Setting up your (Microsoft 365) account on iOS (iPhone) behind MFA

While you can use either Microsoft Outlook for iOS or the native Mail and Calendar apps to access your Northwestern Exchange account, you will have a much better experience using Outlook. However, the choice of which app to use is yours. Instructions for configuring both can be found below. Just make sure you don't use the OWA or Microsoft 365 apps for iOS because they lack essential functionality.


Microsoft Outlook for iOS with Duo Mobile authentication

1. Enter your email address and tap Add Account

2. When prompted with the Northwestern Online Passport

  • Your email address should already be populated as the Username
  • Enter your NetID password as the Password
  • Tap Sign in

3. Confirm your identity with Duo Mobile multi-factor authentication

4. If prompted to add another account, tap Maybe Later

5. Choose whether or not to enable notifications

iOS Mail App with Duo Mobile authentication

1. Tap Settings > Passwords & Accounts > Add Account (iOS 11 and above)

2. Tap Microsoft Exchange

3. Enter the following information:

  • Email: your full account 
  • Description: Northwestern

4. Tap Next, then tap Sign In

5. When prompted with the Northwestern Online Passport

  • Your email address should already be populated as the Username
  • Enter your NetID password as the Password
  • Tap Sign in

6. Confirm your identity with Duo Mobile multi-factor authentication

7. Tap Continue

8. Select the functions of your account you want to synchronize with your phone, then click Save



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Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
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