Asset Management View Access in NUFinancials

This job aid lists the asset management pages for asset information review.

Definition of Capital Asset: an asset is defined as equipment, building, land, leasehold, or other improvement with the following two characteristics:

  • Useful life of at least 1 year
  • Costs $5000 or more

Cognos Report:

Public Folders > Project Café Reports > School > Budget/COA > AM002 Asset Inventory Report

To report asset updates or discrepancies, contact 

1. Review Asset Information

Navigation: Asset Management > Search for an Asset

  1. Enter Unit as NWUNV
  2. Enter Asset ID
  3. Select Asset Status (or leave blank to search for asset in any status)
  4. Click Search
  5. Select one asset to review using radio button
  6. Select Drill-Down To option
    1. Asset Accounting Entries
    2. Asset Basic Information
    3. Depreciation
  7. Click GO!
  8. Review information in new window and close window
    1. Example: Asset Basic Information
    2. Asset Information1(description, Profile ID, class, type, status, dates)
    3. Asset information2
    4. Asset Acquisition Detail (quantity, cost)
    5. Location/Comments/Attributes (location attributes)
    6. Manufacture/License/Custodian (manufacturer info, custodian)


1. Review Asset Information-continued

Navigation: Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Owned Assets > Basic Add 

  1. Find an Existing Value
  2. Enter search criteria for asset
    1. Business Unit
    2. Asset Identification
  3. Click Search
  4. Review Information under tabs:
    1. Asset Information1(description, Profile ID, class, type, status, dates)
    2. Asset information2
    3. Asset Acquisition Detail (quantity, cost)
    4. Location/Comments/Attributes (location attributes)
    5. Manufacture/License/Custodian (manufacture info, custodian)


2. Review Asset Journals

Navigation: Asset Management > Accounting Entries > Review Asset Journals 

  1. Find an Existing Value
  2. Enter search criteria for asset
    1. Business Unit
    2. Journal ID
    3. Journal Date
    4. GL Journal Line Number
    5. Ledger
  3. Review Asset Journals

3. Review Book Information

Navigation: Asset Management > Asset Transactions > History > Review Book 

  1. Find an Existing Value
  2. Enter search criteria for asset
    1. Business Unit
  3. Review Book Information under tabs:
    1. List
      1. Depreciation Status
      2. Trans Date (FY beg, 9/01/xxxx)
      3. Accting Date (capitalization date)
    2. Detail
      1. In Service Date
      2. Convention
      3. Depreciation method
      4. Useful life


4.   Review Cost Information

Navigation: Asset Management > Asset Transactions > History > Review Cost 

  1. Find an Existing Value
  2. Enter search criteria for asset
    1. Business Unit
  3. Review Cost Information under tabs:
    1. Cost History List
    2. Cost History Detail


5. Review Financial Entries

Navigation: Asset Management > Accounting Entries > Review Financial Entries 

  1. Find an Existing Value
  2. Enter search criteria for asset
    1. Business Unit
  3. Review Financial Entry Information under tabs:
    1. List
    2. Detail
      1. Accounting Entries
ADD: Addition
ADJ: Adjustment
DEP: Depreciation
RET: Retirement
REI: Reinstatement


For more information:

See the Accounting Services Capital Equipment web page:

For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email


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Article ID: 1218
Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
Fri 1/13/23 10:46 AM