Grant Proposals in NUPlans

You may add grant proposals that are likely to be approved within the coming year to the budget preparation file in Contributor.


Navigate to Grant Proposal forms in NUPlans Web

NUPlans Web > Applications > Grant Proposals

Add a Grant Proposal

Click Add Grant Proposal to open the form.

A picture containing add grant proposal interface


  1. Verify that the Budget Grouping to which the proposal belongs is displayed. To change the budget grouping, click the drop-down arrow to select from the list.
  2. Select the primary Fund. Click in the field to display the drop-down arrow, and then select a Fund from the drop-down list. The primary fund must be a sponsored fund, not a cost share fund.
  3. Enter a Proposal Description, up to 100 characters. Click in the cell and type a description.
  4. Enter the proposed F&A Rate (optional). Enter the whole number, without percent. Decimals are allowed (ex: enter 52.5 for 52.5%).
  5. Enter the Fund and Department combinations to be associated with the Proposal. Click in the field to display the drop-down arrow, and then select a Fund or Department from the drop-down list.
  6. To add additional lines, click Add Line and choose Yes.
  7. Click Verify Status. Review the Grant Proposal and Status.
  8. If the status is “Ready to Add”, click Add Grant Proposal.
    • Grant proposals are added immediately to Contributor.
    • Find the added proposals in the Grant Input view at the bottom of the list of projects.
    • You may need to close and reopen the budget preparation file to see them appear.


Modify a Grant Proposal

Click Modify Grant Proposal to open the form.

Modify Grant Proposal user interface


  1. Verify that the Budget Grouping to which the proposal belongs is displayed. To change the budget grouping, click the drop-down arrow to select from the list.
  2. Select the proposal to modify.
  3. Click the Load Current Values button to retrieve the proposal’s current configuration.
  4. Update the Description as applicable:
    • To update the fund for a proposal line, click in the Fund field to display the drop-down arrow, and then select a fund from the drop-down list.
    • You cannot change the department for existing lines, so if a proposal line was added using the wrong department, you must add a new proposal or add a new line with the correct department.
  5. Click Verify Status. Review the Updated Grant Proposal and Status.
  6. If the status is “Ready to Update”, click Modify Grant Proposal.
    • Updates are effective immediately in Contributor.
    • You may need to close and reopen the budget preparation file to see the change appear.



Keywords: NUPlans "Grant Proposal" "Grant Input" "Grant Placeholder"
Created: 2022-04-21 21:44:27
Updated: 2022-04-21 22:12:31

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