Creating a CAESAR GuestID

CAESAR GuestIDs provide individuals with access to certain parts of a student's CAESAR account. Each student has the ability to create GuestIDs to allow access to their info. If you are a student, follow the steps below to create a GuestID. If you are a parent or guardian, please contact your student and ask them to create the GuestID for you.


  1. Log into CAESAR at
  2. Under Profile select Manage Guest Access.
  3. Click Add Guest.
  4. Agree to the consent form.
  5. Complete the required information on the next page, selecting which resources your guest will be able to access. You must select at least one resource.
  6. Click Save.

The person you authorized will receive an email message confirming the creation of the CAESAR GuestID. We also recommend that you contact them to provide the GuestID and password.


Keywords: "Guest ID" guest parent access "set up" make
Created: 2016-04-01 16:01:55
Updated: 2020-04-09 21:17:57

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