Entering a budget on a newly created placeholder in NUPlans Contributor

After creating a salary placeholder in NUPlans Web, follow these steps to enter the budget in NUPlans Contributor.


  1. Click the Comp Input tab in the NUPlans Contributor budget grouping for which you already added the placeholder.
  2. In the Context dimension, verify the [HR_DeptProject] (highlighted in above image) is in your budget group, and if not, select any chart string in your budget group.
  3. Add the chart string of the funding source in the Fund, Department, Project, and Account columns.
  4. Enter the budgeted compensation per funding source in the fiscal year salary input column.
  5. Enter explanatory comments.
  6. Indicate whether the placeholder is approved or unapproved. If it is unapproved, NUPlans will not calculate benefits and amounts will not flow to Comp Summary or Fund views.


Keywords: enter budget placeholder contributor nuplans
Created: 2016-11-29 16:46:46
Updated: 2020-08-05 18:22:33

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