Duo MFA prompt not displayed on MacOS or iOS

After providing username and password, the Duo MFA login prompt doesn't appear. Instead, an empty web page appears with https://admin-906cc653.duosecurity.com/ in the URL field.

This error is often due to content restrictions, or other security measures, enforced on Apple devices. To resolve this error, check the following: 

  1. Clear browser cache & cookies, and use private/incognito mode - instructions
  2. Disable content filtering/blocking - instructions
  3. Be sure to accept cookies from duosecurity.com - instructions
  4. Enable Javascript in your browser - instructions
  5. Turn off Apple's "Private Relay" feature - instructions




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Article ID: 1941
Tue 9/6/22 10:55 AM
Mon 3/18/24 12:08 PM