Changing Smartsheet Email Address

If you recently change your Northwestern email address, your email address in Smartsheet will not get automatically changed to the new email. So if you would like to change the email in Smartsheet, please follow the steps below:

  1. First add additional email address with your Smartsheet account
    • Click Account > Personal Settings > Profile.
    • Click Manage Email Addresses .
    • From Manage Email Addresses, type the email address you want to associate with the account and then click Add email address.
      You’ll see a “Please check your email inbox…” message, and a confirmation request will go to the email address you’ve added.
    • Open your email for the newly added account.
    • Locate the “Smartsheet Account Change Request” email message, and click the Confirm Email activation link .
    • Designate a different email address as the primary
  • Click Account > Personal Settings > Profile.
  • Click Manage Email Addresses.
  • Next to the address that you want to become the primary, click Make primary

  • You can either keep the old email as additional email or you can delete by clicking the 'X'

Note: if you have use this email in the past to collaborate with other users, we recommend to keep the old email as additional email so you do NOT loose the access to collaborative items. Otherwise you will have to contact the owner of the items and asked to be re-shared to your new email.



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Article ID: 2032
Sun 11/20/22 9:40 PM
Thu 12/15/22 11:24 AM