Northwestern IT continues to remediate cellular service as problem areas are identified and funds are allocated.
To report a cellular service problem inside a building, please email the IT Support Center at (preferred) or call (847) 401-4357 (1-HELP) and include the following information:
- Cellular service provider used (AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon or Sprint);
- Manufacturer and model of phone used, and age of phone;
- Building and room number where the problem occurs;
- Problem being experienced, e.g., have bars but can’t receive calls, or dropped calls, etc.
- Approximate time frame when problem began.
- Lastly:
- Please also turn off Wi-Fi, then try and do a data session (YouTube, etc.) to see if you can stream video.
- Did the video work?
- Please now try to make a phone call with Wi-Fi off. Did the call work?
- If your device and carrier supports Wi-Fi calling, does activating it help the issue?
Your feedback on this article is welcome, and we review comments regularly. However, if you have an issue or question requiring immediate attention or want to discuss your feedback on this article, please get in touch with the Northwestern IT Service Desk at 847-49
1-4357 (1-HELP) or