This Guide walks a User through the steps of canceling a Receipt from the Add/Update Receipts page.
A receipt cannot be canceled if it has already been matched to a voucher and purchase order.
Receipts can be canceled from Add/Update Receipts or Manage Requisitions.
These steps focus on the Add/Update Receipts page.
Can a receipt that’s been applied via Add/Update also be canceled via Manage Requisition and vice versa?
Also if there’s been a change to a PO, the receipt can only be entered via Add/Update, correct?
Why do you cancel a receipt?
Reasons for canceling a receipt include:
- You entered a receipt in
- You need to cancel a receipt as part of a change request or rolled purchase
What information do you need to cancel a receipt?
- You need the Purchase Order ID number, beginning with PUR.
- If you do not have access to the Purchase Order ID, you can look it up using your Requester NetID in Manage Requisitions.
Cancel a Receipt
Navigation: Access NUFinancials > Login > NavBar > Navigator > Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts
- Click the Find an Existing Value tab.

- Enter search
- In PO Number, enter the purchase order ID
- Alternatively, in Receipt Number, enter the Receipt
- Alternatively, in Receipt Date, select the date from the calendar.
- Click Search.
(A page containing the receipt appears. If you have multiple search results, however, click the Receipt Number or PO Number of the receipt you want to cancel.)

- Click the red X to cancel the Receipt
- To cancel the entire receipt, click the red X at the top of the page.
- To cancel an individual line of the receipt, click the red X to the far right of the line.

- A message prompt appears. Click Yes.
- Click Save.
A receipt ID is created. After the cancellation, the Receipt Status at the top of the page now reads:
- Canceled: for any receipt with all lines canceled.
- Fully Received: for any receipt with a remaining line that was not canceled, the receipt Status remains Fully Received.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email