Explains the policy around requesting for a cash advance and lists out the steps to create one for yourself or for another employee as expense proxy.
Requesting/Create a Cash Advance
- For yourself or as proxy for someone else
- Advances are not given in cash; they are paid via direct deposit (like payroll).
- Employees who do not receive their payroll via direct deposit may request a printed check.
What rules govern Advances?
- Advances are only available to University employees.
- Advances must be for $350.00 or more.
When is this process not used?
- Expenses created from Expense Reports will be reflected in reports as expenses once they are budget checked, even if all approvals have not been processed.
- Sponsored Project Expenses - F&A will not be applied to these expenses until they have been completely approved.
When is a Cash Advance not used?
- When expense has already occurred (create an Expense Report instead)
- When you can use the NU Procurement Card (P-card)
- When you can pre-pay for fees using a Payment Request or by creating a Requisition/Purchase Order.
Additional Resources
Search in NUFinancials to Create a Cash Advance
Navigation: NUFinancials > NavBar > Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expense Center
This page should appear
Step 1: Create Cash Advance
On the Travel and Expense Center page:
- Click Cash Advance
Click Create/Modify.
- Under Add a New Value, Click Add.
- After verifying your ID, Click Add to add a new request.
Note: Your Employee ID will Automatically populate, however if you are a Proxy for another employee you can type their ID in the EmplID box or use the magnifying glass icon to search and select it form the list.
Step 2: Entering Field Information
- Select the Business Purpose from the Business Purpose
- Click inside the Advance Description box and type the reason for creating the Cash Advance.
Fields with an asterisk (*) is REQUIRED.
- Select the Source drop-down box.
- Click on Automated Clearing House.
Note: Cash Advances are generally made to employs via Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction just like payroll deposits. There are times when a physical check may be required from the system. To request a check of an ACH click System Check**
- Click in the Description box to enter a description for the Cash Advance.
- Click in the Amount box and enter a dollar amount for the advance being requested.
- Optional: Click on Notes to add additional information for your approvers to see.
- Optional: Click Attachments to add any attachment.
- Click in the Check Box. (Before you submit a cash advance request, you must certify the all the above by clicking the check box and the Submit Cash Advance button will activated)
- Enter the Reconciliation Chart String information, which are required to submit an advance:
- Account Code – Must be an expense account code that best describes the nature of the expense where the amount will be used
- Department ID – The department that will fund the expenses that will be incurred using the advance paid out to the employee
- Expected Date – When the employee expects to reconcile and/or pay back the advance
- Click Submit Cash Advance to submit the request.
- After clicking the Submit Cash Advance button, a confirmation page will appear.
- Click OK to complete the submission of the Cash Advance Request.
- Once you click OK, you will receive a message with a confirmation number that shows the request has been submitted for approval.

Search for the Submitted Requests
Navigation: NUFinancials > NavBar > Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expense Center
On the Travel and Expense Center page:
- Click Cash Advance
- Click View
- Click Search.

- A list of Cash Advance request will appear.
- Click on the request you want view.
Note: Definition of the status:
- Paid: Payment Processing is complete.
- Pending: An employee has not submitted the cash advance or the approver denied and returned the cash advance to the employee or the employee “Saved for Later” or “Withdrew” the CA.
- Reconcile: The cash advance is applied to an Expense Report.
- Staged: The cash advance is staged for payment.
- Submitted: the cash advance is ready for the approval to process.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email