NUFinancials WorkCenter Approvals


This job aid explains how to use the NUFinancials WorkCenter to approve transactions in NUFinancials.


For users with the Approver role

  • This guide applies to approvals for Cash Advances, Expense Reports, Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Portal Journals, and Requisitions.
  • It provides an alternative access to Approvals via the NUFinancials WorkCenter.

 Step 1: Open the NUFinancials WorkCenter

  1. Navigate to NUFinancials> NUFinancials WorkCenter tile.
  2. Select the Approvals tab to view transactions waiting for your approval.


Step 2: Select the Transaction Type to Approve

  1. Select Cash Advances, Expense Reports, Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Portal Journals, or Requisitions.
  2. Hide the NUFinancials WorkCenter pane by clicking the collapse button.


Step 3: Review Transactions Awaiting Approval

  1. Select View Results to view all transactions for approval.
  2. Apply one or more filters to narrow your search results.
  3. Review all the information provided for each transaction.
  4. Click any drilldown provided to view more information on a transaction. This will open a new tab for you. Close the tab after you are done viewing the information.


Step 4: Open the Approval Page of a Transaction

  1. Select the Transaction ID of a transaction. This will open the approval page of the transaction.
  2. Approve or apply a different action on the transaction.
  3. Close the Approval Page to go back to the NUFinancials WorkCenter.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email



Article ID: 1212
Thu 5/12/22 1:38 PM
Fri 1/27/23 3:57 PM

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