Searching for Budget Journals in NUFinancials


How do you use the Budget Journal Search in NUFinancials and the NUPortal? Use this guide to learn both basic and complex searches.


What is the purpose of this search?

  • Identify journals with errors
  • Identify journals that were not approved
  • Identify journals that were not posted
  • Identify journals that were not validated, budget checked, submitted to workflow
  • Identify journals that need to be deleted
  • Check the status of journals

What journals can I see?

  • You can see journals created by anyone.
  • You can modify journals that you create.

Navigate to the Budget Journal Search

  • Login to NUFinancials > Navigator > NU Budget Journal > Add/Update Budget

Search with the Journal ID 

You can perform a basic search with all or part of the Journal ID.

About Search Operators

Search operators tell NUFinancials how to look for matches with the value you provide.



begins with

Enter the leading characters of the Journal ID. Result(s) must contain the same string of characters in the initial position.


Result(s) must contain the same string of characters you enter, in any position.

equal to

Result must match the value you enter. This is the default operator.


  1. Select a search operator. Choose from values in the list below.
  2. Enter all or part of the Journal ID, per the operator you select.
  3. Click Search. Result: A new tab or window opens for the matching journal or list of matching journals. After you click Search, one of two things happen:
  • If the search finds one match, the journal appears, or
  • If the search finds multiple matches, the Budget Journal Search page appears (shown below). It has one additional search field, Workflow Status.






Click Clear to clear criteria you entered previously. Enter different criteria to begin a new search.

Save Search Criteria

Click to save search criteria that you intend to use frequently. Give the search a name and click Apply.

Use Saved Search

Searches that you saved appear in this list. Select a search that you named from the drop-down menu. The search executes automatically.

Delete Saved Search

Click to see all searches that you saved previously. Select the search you want to delete and click Apply.


  1. Find the journal in the list of Search Results.
  2. Click the Journal ID Result: the journal appears in a new tab or window. The search is complete.

Search by Journal Date

The Journal Date parameter searches by the date the journal was initially saved. It does not search by the date the journal posted to the budget (KK ledger). This is an example of searching for a budget journal created during the 2010 budget period. Search results show all journals created after 9/1/2009.




  1. In the Journal Date field group, select the operator >.
  2. In the blank field, click the calendar icon and select a The example shown uses the first day of a budget period (2010).
    • Near the beginning of a budget period, this search using the first day of the period may produce a small set of results.
    • Near the end of a budget period, the result set will be large.
    • At any time during the year, a recent date is a good search strategy for journals created recently by anyone.
  3. Click Search.

Search by Submitter NetID

The Submitter criteria is equal to NetID. You may search by the full NetID or partial NetID if you do not know the whole ID. This is useful when you want to find journals entered by a specific person. Enter the NetID in all CAPS.



  1. In the Submitter field group, leave the operator as equal to.
  2. In the blank field, type all or part of the NetID of the person who created the journal.
  • The example at left shows first initial only A.
  • You may use mixed case. ALL CAPS is not necessary.
  1. Click the magnifying glass next to the Submitter Result: A Look Up dialog appears.
  2. Sort the list in the dialog further or use the scroll to find the user in the list.
  3. Click the User ID to populate the Submitter field with the full NetID.
  4. Click Search. Result: all journals created by the submitter appear in a list of Search Results.
  5. Click the Journal ID of the journal you want to view dialog appears.

Search by the Budget Header Status

The Budget Header Status describes how far the journal has progressed in its timeline from creation to posting. Use the table below to select the appropriate budget status.



  1. In the Budget Header Status field group, select the operator equal to.
  2. Select the status value at right.
  3. Click Search. Result: all journals with the same status appear in a list of Search Results.

Budget Header Status


Checked Only







Journal was saved and has not been submitted to workflow or edited



Not Balanced



The journal has posted to a Budget (KK) ledger

Security Error




Search by Workflow Status

Searching by Workflow Status lets you find only those journals of a specific status. This search is not available from the NUPortal.



  1. In the Workflow Status field group, select the operator equal to.
  2. Select the status value at right.
  3. Click Search. Result: all journals with the same status appear in a list of Search Results.

Workflow Status



Approved and is queued to post


Not submitted to workflow



Not Required


Not Submitted



Request is in Pending Status

Pushed Back





For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email



Article ID: 1215
Thu 5/12/22 1:38 PM
Fri 1/13/23 11:46 AM