Match exceptions are significant differences between a vendor's invoice and our own records that require a resolution before payment is made to the vendor. Finding and resolving match exceptions ensures the accuracy of POs, receipts, and invoices and ensures that we pay vendors on a timely basis.
Find match exceptions in Cognos BI
The SC027 Match Exceptions Report by Department lists vouchers with match exceptions. You may run the report by Department ID or focus the report using invoice, vendor, requestor, or purchase order prompts. It includes only vouchers associated with purchase orders (non-catalog or iBuyNU purchases).
From the Cognos BI Welcome page, click My Home → Public Reports → School → Supply Chain → SC027 Match Exceptions Report by Department. Result: the prompt page appears
Complete the prompt page
1 |
Department |
Enter a 7-digit Department ID, and Search > Select > Insert. |
2 |
Finish |
Click Finish. Result: the report is downloaded to your computer in PDF format. Find the report in the Downloads folder of your PC. |
- Tip! Use "Run with Options" to get the report in a different format, such as Excel.
- Find assistance for reading the report in FMS723 Budget Reconciliation.
Find match exceptions in the NUFinancials Voucher Inquiry
From the NUFinancials Main Menu, click Accounts Payable → Review Accounts Payable Information → Vouchers → Voucher. Result: the Voucher Inquiry page appears.
Complete prompts
Many criteria are available on the Voucher Inquiry. The few that are most useful to find and investigate match exceptions are below.
1 |
Entered Date |
Optional: Enter a range of dates in the From and To fields. For example, focus on one month or quarter at a time. If you leave this field blank, be sure to complete step 4 to limit the inquiry to match exceptions. |
2 |
GL Business Unit |
Enter NWUNV. |
3 |
Enter your 7-digit Department ID.
4 |
Match Status
Select "Match Exceptions Exist" from the drop-down menu.
5 |
Click Search. Result: A list of all vouchers with match exceptions in your department appears.
Investigate match exceptions
By default, the list of vouchers is sorted by Voucher ID in ascending order. You can resort the list in various ways. Use the Sort Criteria fields or click any underlined column heading. Sort by Invoice Date in ascending order to find the oldest vouchers and invoices. Sort by Vendor ID to group invoices from the same vendor. Continue to the Match WorkBench for any voucher that you find.
1 |
Match Workbench 
Click the Match WorkBench icon next to the voucher whose match exceptions you want to see. Result: The Match Workbench page appears in a new tab, and you receive a message saying, "You do not have authority to override match exceptions." Ignore the message and proceed. |
2 |
Warning Message |
Click OK. Result: The Match Exception Workbench Details page opens in a new tab or window. The Match Workbench Exception page shows all match rules used in a comparison of the voucher, purchase order, and receipt. |
3 |
Locate the red exclamation point . It indicates the rule(s) that generated match exception(s). Differences that exceed tolerance prevent payment until you resolve the issue described. |
- In Line Details, you may need to click View All. If there is only one result, you see (1 of 1); you may see many examples with multiple lines (1 of 2, 1 of 3, etc).
- For a description of the rule, click the Details icon
. The description tells you what two documents are compared and how they are compared.
Find match exceptions in the NUFinancials Match Workbench
From the NUFinancials Main Menu, click Accounts Payable → Review Accounts Payable Info → Vouchers → Match Workbench. Result: the Match Workbench page appears.
Complete the search
Two criteria are potentially useful on the Match Workbench: Voucher ID and Vendor ID. This inquiry works best with a copy of the SC027. If you do not have these values, use the Voucher Inquiry instead to search by Department ID.
1 |
Business Unit |
Enter NWUNV and press . |
2 |
Match Status |
Select "Match Exceptions Exist" from the drop-down list. |
3 |
Voucher ID
Optional: Select an operator from the drop-down list, such as "Equal To," and enter a value in the blank that appears at right.
4 |
Vendor ID
Optional: Select an operator from the drop-down list, such as "Equal To," and enter a value in the blank that appears at right.
5 |
Click Search. Result: A list of all related match exceptions appears.
Investigate match exceptions
The list of results focuses on the vendor or voucher that you entered previously. The related invoice number and gross amount also appear in the list.
1 |
Match |
In the Match column, click Match Exceptions Exist. Result: The Match Workbench Exception page appears in a new tab, and you receive a message saying, "You do not have authority to override match exceptions." Ignore the message and proceed. |
2 |
Warning Message |
Click OK. |
3 |
Locate the red exclamation point . It indicates the rule(s) that generated match exception(s). Differences that exceed tolerance prevent payment until you resolve the issue described. |
- In Line Details, you may need to click View All. If there is only one result, you see (1 of 1); you may see many examples with multiple lines (1 of 2, 1 of 3, etc).
- For a description of the rule, click the Details icon
. The description tells you what two documents are compared and how they are compared.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email