This article describes how to assign managers and reviewers to departments and non-sponsored projects in NUFinancials.
Did you know that you can assign Managers and Reviewers to departments and non-sponsored projects in NUFinancials?
When Department IDs and Project IDs are assigned a Manager or Reviewer in NUFinancials, you can filter reports in Cognos BI by your or your colleague's name. Sponsored projects (grants) in the 60000000 series are systematically assigned Managers and Reviewers after the grant proposal is approved. If you need to change the manager or reviewer(s) assigned to a grant project, contact Sponsored Research (SR), as the system does not allow you to do so.
Access to this function is granted when "ChartField Manager Entry" is added to your General Ledger Access. The capability to add and update is also limited to departments and projects to which you also have access. All NUFinancials users can view the information in inquiries.
Inquire about Managers/Reviewers Assigned to ChartFields
Step 1: Navigate to the Manager/Reviewer Inquiry Pages
Begin at the NUFinancials Main Menu.
- Click NU Interfaces and Processes > ChartField Managers/Attributes > Dept Manager/Reviewer Inquiry OR
- Click NU Interfaces and Processes > ChartField Managers/Attributes > Proj Manager/Reviewer Inquiry
- Results: the inquiry appears (shown below).
Step 2: Lookup Existing Managers and Reviewers
Department Inquiry:

Project Inquiry:

- Enter a combination of search criteria using one or multiple fields.
- The Department field requires a 7-digit financial department ID.
- The Project field requires an 8-digit project ID.
- The Manager ID field requires the manager's NetID.
- The Review ID field requires the reviewer's NetID.
- Click Search.
Search Tips
- The percent sign (%) is the wildcard in NUFinancials. Use it before and/or after a string of characters to find all matches where the string you provide is contained in the result.
- Use the magnifying glass to lookup a project or Department ID by providing all or part of the name or description.
- In the Project Inquiry, you may use the Department field to retrieve projects associated with the department.
- In the Project Inquiry example above, notice on the far right side of the results grid that the inquiry displays only the first 7 results. In this case, there 203 results total. Use the features at right to View 100 and to page through the list.
- Use the Export icon to download the entire list in Excel.
Step 1: Navigate to the Manager/Reviewer Pages
Begin at the NUFinancials Main Menu.
- Click NU Interfaces and Processes > ChartField Managers/Attributes > Department Manager/Reviewer OR
- Click NU Interfaces and Processes > ChartField Managers/Attributes > Project Manager/Reviewer
- Results: the Manager/Reviewer page appears (shown below).
Step 2: Lookup a Department or Project
To assign managers and reviewers, you must first lookup the department or project. Below you see an example using department. The same steps apply to projects.

Step 3: Assign a Manager and Reviewers to a Department or Project
Initially, you can add or confirm the Manager and Reviewers. If there are changes at a later date, you can add a new row with a new effective date for the new set of managers/reviewers.
Doing so maintains a history for the department or project.

- Enter the NetID of the Manager or Reviewer. Note: You may use the magnifying glass icon to lookup the NetID using the person's name (as shown above).
- Click Save.
Add a new Manager and Reviewers with a new Effective Date
As personnel changes over time, update assignments with new effective dated rows.

- Click the plus sign to add a new row.
- Enter an Effective Date, or select it from calendar.
- Effective dates can be any date in past, today, or future.
- Future effective dates enable you to prepare for pending changes in managers and reviewers.
- Update the Manager and Reviewer fields, as applicable.
- The Manager/Reviewer fields require the NetID of the person.
- If necessary, click the magnifying glass to lookup the NetID using the person's name.
- Click Save.
Results in Cognos BI
After assigning names to ChartFields in NUFinancials, they are available in the Manager/Reviewer prompt of many Cognos BI reports. No action on your part is required to add Primary Investigators (PI) to the prompt for grant projects. In some grant reports, this prompt is named the PI prompt.

To use the Manager/Reviewer prompt in any Cognos BI report:
- In the Keywords field, enter all or part of the person's name or NetID.
- To search by partial name, surround it with the wildcard (%), or click Options > Contains any of these keywords.
- You may insert one or multiple people into the report.
- Click Search.
- Select the matching person(s).
- Click Insert. Persons listed in the Choice field will be included in the report.
Continue with other prompts on the report as applicable.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email