NUFinancials: Creating a Cash Receipt Ticket Training Guide


This article explains the process of adding a new cash receipt ticket (CRT) as well as the steps involved in saving, committing, viewing, checking the status, and printing of a new CRT.


Creating a Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT)

The Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT) in NUFinancials is part of the bank deposit process. Money from external sources is recorded on the CRT whether cash, check, credit, ecommerce, or wire transfer. The CRT enables Northwestern University staff to reference the bank deposit and credit the amount(s) deposited to the appropriate chart string(s).




Navigate to the Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT)

  1. Login to NUFinancials:
  2. From the Main Menu, click on the Navigator compass > Navigator > NU Interfaces and Processes > NU Cash Receipt Ticketing.

Step 1: Add a New Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT)

The NU_CREATE_CRT page appears with Add a New Value (in blue) on display.



  1. On Add a New Value, in the CRT TYPE field, Blank CRT defaults.
    • Change this value only if you want to use a saved template instead.
    • Find assistance for using saved templates on the Caf Training website.
  2. Click Add. Result: The CRT Entry page appears (shown next page).


How do you search for a CRT? Click Find an Existing Value and enter your choice of search values. Search for a CRT using one or more of the following values:

  • Your NetID
  • The NetID of the creator
  • The date the CRT was created
  • The CRT number
    • Find the CRT number in the
      Description column of the GL008.

Step 2: Enter Account Distribution Details

In the Account Distribution area, record the chart string and revenue.



  1. Enter the full chart string. (External revenue account codes are in the 40000 series.)
  2. Enter the amount associated with the chart string.
  3. Describe the sales and provide any necessary detail. There is a 30-character limit.
  4. Click the plus sign  to add a line for the next chart string, if applicable, and repeat steps 1-3.
    • Click the minus sign  to delete lines.


Click the Magnifying Glass icon  to look up account codes or other chart field values based on keywords or other search criteria that you provide.

Step 2: Enter Account Distribution Details (continued)

You may add as many lines of revenue as required to record all sales and receipts. You may also add multiple chart strings to the CRT.


Exclaim02 CAUTION: It is very important to enter the correct chart strings. Incorrect chart strings may delay completion of the transaction and require a Correction Journal at a later date. Refer to Appendix C to verify that your chart string is valid.

Step 3: Enter Media Details

In the Media Detail area, record amounts of each media type, that is, how much was received in cash, in checks, in credit card sales, or other. The Media Total must equal the Distribution Total.


  1. Select a Media Type (cash, check, credit, or other).
  2. Enter the deposit reference. For cash and check deposits, enter the deposit slip number, the ten-digit number at the bottom of your deposit slip (not the one shown).
  3. Enter the amount received per media type.
  4. Click the plus sign to add the next media type.

Step 4: Save and Total

After you enter the remaining media (Media Type, Deposit/Ref ID, and Amount), click Save.


Click Save. Result: NUFinancials calculates the totals. If they match, NUFinancials will save the CRT.

Exclaim03  CAUTION: The Media Total and Distribution Total appear (in dollars). If the amounts do not match, you receive an error message and the CRT does not save. Edit the amounts you provided to fix the error. If the save is successful, a Cash Receipt Ticket Number appears at the top of the page and CRT Status is SAVED.

Step 5a: Commit and Validate

After you save, you may involve a colleague to review your work. Either you or a colleague must click Commit the finish the CRT.


Click Commit. Result: NUFinancials validates the chart strings and displays the result in the ChartString Status field.

Step 5b: View Receipt (after Committing and Validating)

When you click Commit, NUFinancials validates the chart strings and displays the result in the ChartString Status field. If valid, the field reads Valid. If not valid, the field reads Error and an X appears on the line(s) in question. Click the X to see a message that explains. Once valid and committed, the CRT enters the queue for Depository Services. They will match the CRT with the bank's confirmation. You may now print the CRT for your records.


Click View Receipt for a printable view of the CRT.

Step 6: Print the CRT

After you click View Receipt, use your internet browser's print function to print the receipt for your records.


Click Return. Result: the CRT appears.

Step 7a: Check the status of your deposit

After the CRT is committed and a confirmation file received from the bank, NUFinancials matches the amounts on the CRT with amounts in the confirmation file received from the bank. When cash and check amounts match the bank's confirmation file, NUFinancials changes the status of your CRT to Posted, changes Match Line Status to Y, and creates journal entries.

Quick Navigation

From the NUFinancials home page > Navigator > Dept Deposits / CRT > Find an Existing Value.


CRT Search Options

You may search with one or a combination of four search criteria:

  • CRT Number. Find the CRT number in the Description column of the GL008 Revenue and Expense Activity Report.
  • Date Entered. Date the CRT was saved.
  • User ID. Your NetID or someone else's.
  • CRT Status. Saved, Committed, or Voided.


To search for the committed CRTs:

  1. In the CRT Status field, select Committed.
  2. In the User ID field, enter the NetID of the person who created the CRT.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click the appropriate CRT number.

Step 7b: Check the status of your deposit (continued)

Verify that Posting Status is Posted and that Match Line Status of lines with check and cash are Y.



  • Posting Status is Posted when the Match Line Status of all cash and check lines are Y.
  • Y means the bank's count matched your CRT. Only verify the status of cash and checks. Credit lines are always N.


  • Step 1: Add a New CRT
  • Step 2: Enter the chart string(s) in Distribution Detail
  • Step 3: Enter the amount(s) Media Detail
    • Refer to Appendix A Deposit and Reference Number ID Explanations
  • Step 4: Save and Total the CRT
  • Step 5: Commit and Validate the CRT
  • Step 6: Print the CRT
  • Step 7: Check the status of the CRT

What happens next?

After the CRT is posted and journal lines are posted, the revenue appears on the GL008 Revenue and Expense Activity Report as a journal transaction. The first three characters of the Journal ID are CRT, and the remaining digits of the Journal ID are generated sequentially. If you used multiple chart strings on the CRT, you may have to run multiple reports. The CRT number is not the Journal ID. Find the CRT number in the Description column of the GL008 Revenue and Expense Activity Report to search for and check the status of the CRT.

Are there adjustments to your revenue?

It is important to continue monitoring budget statements for adjustments. When necessary, adjustments to revenue are made by Depository Services or by credit card agencies. They may include deductions for bad checks, bad check processing fees, check fraud, credit card disputes, credit card fraud, or refunds. Adjustments also appear on your budget statement, most commonly under account 40702 Cashier Overages and Shortages.

What do the CRT statuses mean?

  • Saved. CRTs in this status passed a validation of Distribution and Media Totals and were saved.
  • Committed. CRTs in this status passed the chart string validation and are eligible to be matched with the bank s confirmation file by Depository Services.
  • Voided. Only Depository Services can void a CRT.

Appendix A: Deposit and Reference Number IDs

The Deposit/Ref ID number varies according the media types in your deposit. Use this table to determine what you should enter in the Deposit/Ref ID box on the CRT form.

Departments or Units


CRT Media Type

Deposit/Ref ID

American Express

Enter the 3 digit location and 4 digit batch number produced by the credit card terminal or online/ecommerce.


Enter the 10-digit deposit ticket number shown at the bottom of the deposit slip.


Enter the 10-digit deposit ticket number shown at the bottom of the deposit slip.


Enter the 3 digit location and 4 digit batch number produced by the credit card terminal or online/ecommerce.


Enter the 3 digit location and 4 digit batch number produced by the credit card terminal or online/ecommerce.

Central or Administrative Offices


CRT Media Type

Deposit/Ref ID

Endowment ACH

Automated Clearing House (ACH) reference number provided by Depository Services.

Endowment Cash

Enter the deposit ticket number shown at the bottom of the preprinted endowment deposit slip.

Endowment Check

Enter the deposit ticket number shown at the bottom of the preprinted endowment deposit slip.

Endowment Wire

Wire reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston ACH 0574

ACH reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston ACH 1065

ACH reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston ACH 1111

ACH reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston Wire 0574

Wire reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston Wire 1065

Wire reference number provided by Depository Services.

Evanston Wire 1111

Wire reference number provided by Depository Services.

Appendix B: Troubleshooting CRT Errors

Use this table to determine how to respond to CRT error messages.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Error Messages

May Occur When


Account Distribution amount of Media Detail amount are zero

You click Save

Enter the revenue amounts for each chart string and CRT Media Type.

Total Account Distribution amount are not equal to Total Media Detail amount

You click Save

Fix the CRT Media Type Amounts so that they match what is recorded as revenue in the Account Distribution Area.

The Media Total must match the Distribution Total because both totals should equal the amount of revenue you are recording. Accounting Distribution lists the chart strings that will receive the revenue. Media Distribution indicates how the cash was received and provides an important reference number for the reconciliation.

Highlighted fields are required

You click Save

The required fields/boxes are highlighted in red. Enter a valid value in each red box.

Activity must have a value when a Project is entered

You click Save

If you used a Project value in your revenue chart string, you must enter an Activity value. The Activity value is usually 01.

Invalid ChartField combination

You click Commit

One or more ChartFields in the chart string entered are invalid together.

  • For more detail, refer to Appendix C: CRT Chart String Construction Rules.

Deposits may not be applied to revenue accounts for sponsored projects

You click Commit

The chart string belongs to a grant or other sponsored project and may not be used with a revenue account on the CRT. Use an expense account allowed by the grant budget. Refer to Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Projects (ASRPS) for policy guidance.

No budget exists. Deposits may only be applied to ChartStrings with budgets

You click Commit

The chart string lacks a budget that would make it valid for cash receipts. Use an active chart string with an expense or revenue budget.


Appendix C: CRT Chart String Construction Rules


Use this table to determine if a chart string is technically valid. Starting with Fund at left, follow across to see what rules apply to each ChartField, if any, and to see allowable account values. Refer to Notes for general guidance on account numbers.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3 Column 3

3 digits

Dept ID
7 digits

Project ID
8 digits

2 digits

5 digits**



Any valid #

Not allowed

Not allowed

Any valid #

Use external revenue accounts starting with 4 to record revenue.

Accounts Payable (AP) may use expense accounts*.


Any valid #

Not allowed

Not allowed

See note

No revenue or expense accounts are allowed.

Use accounts that begin with 1, 2, 3.


Any valid #

Not allowed

Not allowed

Any valid #

Use external revenue accounts starting with 4 to record revenue.

Accounts Payable (AP) may use expense accounts*.


Any valid #

First digit = 1


Any valid #


Any valid #

First digit = 6

01 or other valid #

Any valid #


Any valid #

First digit = 3


Any valid #


Any valid #

First digit = 3


See note

No expense accounts are allowed. Use accounts starting with 1 - 5, or 8.


Any valid #

First digit = 4 or use 30000001


Any valid #

Use external revenue accounts starting with 4 to record revenue.

Accounts Payable (AP) may use expense accounts**.


Any valid #

First digit = 5


Any valid #


Any valid #

First digit = 6

01 or other valid #

See note

Use other expense accounts that begin with 7 and that rollup to categories on the grant budget.


Any valid #

First digit = 7


See note

Use accounts starting with 1, 6, or 7.


Any valid #

First digit = 7


Any valid #

Use external revenue accounts starting with 4 to record revenue.

Accounts Payable (AP) may use expense accounts*.


Any valid #

First digit = 8


Any valid #

* If you receive vendor rebates, refunds, or adjustments, you may forward those items to Accounts Payable (AP) who can complete the deposit on your behalf and record the amounts on the CRT with the applicable Other Expense account.

** Balance sheet accounts (10000-39999) are not subject to ChartField combination rules.

Related Resources

  • Refer to your revenue budget or to the Office of Budget and Planning website for the revenue account codes that apply.
  • Refer to the Financial Operations, Depository Services, website for deposit processes, policy, and contacts.
  • Obtain all deposit equipment and materials such as deposit tickets and deposit bags from Depository Services.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email



Article ID: 1237
Thu 5/12/22 1:38 PM
Wed 2/1/23 11:26 AM