AlphaFold on Quest


Quest and Kellogg Linux Cluster Downtime, March 22 - 31.

Quest, including the Quest Analytics Nodes, the Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC), the Kellogg Linux Cluster (KLC), and Quest OnDemand, will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance starting at 8 A.M. on Saturday, March 22, and ending approximately at 5 P.M. on Monday, March 31. During the maintenance window, you will not be able to login to Quest, Quest Analytics Nodes, the GCC, KLC, or Quest OnDemand submit new jobs, run jobs, or access files stored on Quest in any way including Globus. For details on this maintenance, please see the Status of University IT Services page.

Quest RHEL8 Pilot Environment

The RHEL8 Pilot Environment is available for use now.

Starting Tuesday, December 10, seventy of the latest Intel Emerald Rapids CPU nodes (128 cores and 512GB of RAM) will be available to the RHEL8 Pilot, significantly increasing the compute capacity of this environment. With this expansion, the pilot environment will consist of twenty-four NVIDIA H100 GPU nodes (totaling ninety-six H100 cards) and 140 CPU nodes totaling 12,600 cores. Quest users are encouraged to test their workflows in RHEL8 Pilot environment to prepare for Quest moving completely to RHEL8 in March 2025. Detailed instructions are available on how to submit jobs for the new Operating System in the Knowledge Base article, RHEL8 Pilot Environment.


How to run AlphaFold on Quest

Currently, we have AlphaFold version 2.0.0, 2.1.1, and 2.3.2 installed on Quest (multimers available with latter two versions). For more details on both releases of AlphaFold, please visit the AlphaFold website.

Please find an example of running AlphaFold 2.3.2 monomer or multimer on Quest here:

How is AlphaFold 2.3.2 with Separate CPU and GPU Workloads Installed On Quest?

AlphaFold 2.3.2 is installed inside of a Singularity container following the instructions from the DeepMind team.

The container contains CUDA 11.1.1, Python 3.8,  jax 0.3.25, and jaxlib 0.3.25+cuda11.cudnn805. In addition, please note that this install of AlphaFold contains a modification to AlphaFold in order to allow for the CPU and GPU parts of AlphaFold to be run separately. We added the following flag

+flags.DEFINE_boolean('only_msas', False, 'Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.')

Instead of calling singularity directly, we provide a module which wraps the call to the singularity run.

module load alphafold/2.3.2-with-msas-only-and-config-yaml

This creates two shell functions, one for running Alphafold multimer (alphafold-multimer), and one for use with Alpha monomer (alphafold-monomer).

alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/T1050.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=monomer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --only_msas=[true|false] \
    --use_gpu_relax=[true|false] \
  • model_preset
    • monomer: This is the original model used at CASP14 with no ensembling.
    • monomer_casp14: This is the original model used at CASP14 with num_ensemble=8, matching our CASP14 configuration. This is largely provided for reproducibility as it is 8x more computationally expensive for limited accuracy gain (+0.1 average GDT gain on CASP14 domains).
    • monomer_ptm: This is the original CASP14 model fine tuned with the pTM head, providing a pairwise confidence measure. It is slightly less accurate than the normal monomer model.
  • use_gpu_relax
    • Whether to relax on GPU. Relax on GPU can be much faster than CPU, so it is recommended to enable if possible. GPUs must be available if this setting is enabled.
  • use_precomputed_msas
    • Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
  • only_msas
    • Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/6E3K.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=multimer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --only_msas=[true|false] \
    --use_gpu_relax=[true|false] \
  • model_preset
    • multimer: This is the AlphaFold-Multimer model. To use this model, provide a multi-sequence FASTA file. In addition, the UniProt database should have been downloaded.
  • use_gpu_relax
    • Whether to relax on GPU. Relax on GPU can be much faster than CPU, so it is recommended to enable if possible. GPUs must be available if this setting is enabled.
  • use_precomputed_msas
    • Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
  • only_msas
    • Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.

If you would like to see the contents of the shell function alphafold-multimer or alphafold-monomer, you can run typealphafold-monomer or type alphafold-multimer on the command line.

How do you run AlphaFold with separate CPU and GPU workloads on Quest?

Below, we provide an example submission script for running AlphaFold with separate CPU and GPU workloads on Quest. First, you construct the submission script that will use only CPU resources, which we will call

#SBATCH --partition=short ### PARTITION (buyin, short, normal, etc)
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## how many computers do you need
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=12 ## how many cpus or processors do you need on each computer
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 ## how long does this need to run (remember different partitions have restrictions on this param)
#SBATCH --mem=85G ## how much RAM do you need per CPU (this effects your FairShare score so be careful to not ask for more than you need))
#SBATCH --job-name=run_AlphaFold ## When you run squeue -u NETID this is how you can identify the job
#SBATCH --output=AlphaFold-CPU.log ## standard out and standard error goes to this file

### PLEASE NOTE:                                                      ###
### The above CPU and Memory resources have been selected based       ###
### on the computing resources that alphafold was tested on           ###
### which can be found here:                                          ###
###          ###
### It is likely that you do not have to change anything above        ###
### besides your allocation, and email (if you want to be emailed).   ###

module purge
module load alphafold/2.3.2-with-msas-only-and-config-yaml

# To run alphafold more efficiently,
# we split the CPU and GPU parts of the pipeline into two separate submissions.
# Below we provide a way to run the CPU part of alpahfold-multimer and alphafold-monomer

# real example monomer (takes about 3 hours and 15 minutes)
alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/T1050.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=monomer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --only_msas=true \
    --use_gpu_relax=False \

# real example multimer (takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/6E3K.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=multimer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --only_msas=true \
    --use_gpu_relax=False \

Next, you construct the submission script that will use GPU resources, which we will call

#SBATCH --partition=gengpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## how many computers do you need
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 ## how many cpus or processors do you need on each computer
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a100:1 ## type of GPU requested, and number of GPU cards to run on
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 ## how long does this need to run (remember different partitions have restrictions on this param)
#SBATCH --mem=85G ## how much RAM do you need per CPU (this effects your FairShare score so be careful to not ask for more than you need))
#SBATCH --job-name=run_AlphaFold ## When you run squeue -u NETID this is how you can identify the job
#SBATCH --output=AlphaFold-GPU.log ## standard out and standard error goes to this file

### PLEASE NOTE:                                                      ###
### The above CPU, Memory, and GPU resources have been selected base  ###
### on the computing resources that alphafold was tested on           ###
### which can be found here:                                          ###
###          ###
### It is likely that you do not have to change anything above        ###
### besides your allocation, and email (if you want to be emailed).   ###

module purge
module load alphafold/2.3.2-with-msas-only-and-config-yaml

# To run alphafold more efficiently,
# we split the CPU and GPU parts of the pipeline into two separate submissions.
# Below we provide a way to run the GPU part of alpahfold-multimer and alphafold-monomer
# which will depend on the CPU part finishing before it runs

# real example monomer (takes about 3 hours and 15 minutes)
alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/T1050.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=monomer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --use_precomputed_msas=true \
    --use_gpu_relax=False \

# real example multimer (takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/6E3K.fasta \
    --max_template_date=2022-01-01 \
    --model_preset=multimer \
    --db_preset=full_dbs \
    --use_precomputed_msas=true \
    --use_gpu_relax=False \

Finally, we use the following bash script which we will call to submit the CPU job first, and then submit the GPU job as dependent on the CPU job finishing with status OK.

echo "cpu_job ${cpu_job[-1]}" >> slurm_ids
gpu_job=($(sbatch --dependency=afterok:${cpu_job[-1]}
echo "gpu_job ${gpu_job[-1]}" >> slurm_ids

How is AlphaFold 2.1.1 with Separate CPU and GPU Workloads Installed On Quest?

AlphaFold 2.1.1 is installed inside of a Singularity container following the instructions from the DeepMind team.

The container contains CUDA 11.1, Python 3.7.11, TensorFlow 2.5.0, jax 0.2.25, and jaxlib 0.1.69+cuda111. In addition, please note that this install of AlphaFold contains a modification to AlphaFold in order to allow for the CPU and GPU parts of AlphaFold to be run separately. We added the following flag

+flags.DEFINE_boolean('only_msas', False, 'Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.')

Instead of calling singularity directly, we provide a module which wraps the call to the singularity run.

module load alphafold/2.1.1-only-msas-flag-addition

This creates two shell functions, one for running Alphafold multimer (alphafold-multimer), and one for use with Alpha monomer (alphafold-monomer).

alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/full/path/to/fasta \
  --output_dir=/full/path/to/outdir \
  --max_template_date= \
  --only_msas=[true|false] \
  --use_precomputed_msas=[true|false] \
  --model_preset=[monomer|monomer_casp14|monomer_ptm] \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  • model_preset
    • monomer: This is the original model used at CASP14 with no ensembling.
    • monomer_casp14: This is the original model used at CASP14 with num_ensemble=8, matching our CASP14 configuration. This is largely provided for reproducibility as it is 8x more computationally expensive for limited accuracy gain (+0.1 average GDT gain on CASP14 domains).
    • monomer_ptm: This is the original CASP14 model fine tuned with the pTM head, providing a pairwise confidence measure. It is slightly less accurate than the normal monomer model.
  • use_precomputed_msas
    • Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
  • only_msas
    • Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/full/path/to/fasta \
  --output_dir=/full/path/to/outdir \
  --max_template_date= \
  --only_msas=[true|false] \
   --use_precomputed_msas=[true|false] \
  --model_preset=multimer \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  • model_preset
    • multimer: This is the AlphaFold-Multimer model. To use this model, provide a multi-sequence FASTA file. In addition, the UniProt database should have been downloaded.
  • is_prokaryote_list
    • optionally set the --is_prokaryote_list flag with booleans that determine whether all input sequences in the given fasta file are prokaryotic. If that is not the case or the origin is unknown, set to false for that fasta.
  • use_precomputed_msas
    • Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
  • only_msas
    • Whether to only build MSAs, and not do any prediction.

If you would like to see the contents of the shell function alphafold-multimer or alphafold-monomer, you can run type alphafold-monomer or type alphafold-multimer on the command line.

How do you run AlphaFold with separate CPU and GPU workloads on Quest?

Below, we provide an example submission script for running AlphaFold with separate CPU and GPU workloads on Quest. First, you construct the submission script that will use only CPU resources, which we will call

#SBATCH --partition=short ### PARTITION (buyin, short, normal, etc)
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## how many computers do you need
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=12 ## how many cpus or processors do you need on each computer
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 ## how long does this need to run (remember different partitions have restrictions on this param)
#SBATCH --mem=85G ## how much RAM do you need per CPU (this effects your FairShare score so be careful to not ask for more than you need))
#SBATCH --job-name=run_AlphaFold ## When you run squeue -u NETID this is how you can identify the job
#SBATCH --output=AlphaFold-CPU.log ## standard out and standard error goes to this file

### PLEASE NOTE:                                                      ###
### The above CPU and Memory resources have been selected based       ###
### on the computing resources that alphafold was tested on           ###
### which can be found here:                                          ###
###          ###
### It is likely that you do not have to change anything above        ###
### besides your allocation, and email (if you want to be emailed).   ###

module purge
module load alphafold/2.1.1-only-msas-flag-addition

# To run alphafold more efficiently,
# we split the CPU and GPU parts of the pipeline into two separate submissions.
# Below we provide a way to run the CPU part of alpahfold-multimer and alphafold-monomer

# real example monomer (takes about 3 hours and 15 minutes)
alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/T1050.fasta \
  --max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
  --model_preset=monomer \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  --only_msas=true \

# real example multimer (takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/6E3K.fasta \
  --max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
  --model_preset=multimer \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  --only_msas=true \

Next, you construct the submission script that will use GPU resources, which we will call

#SBATCH --partition=gengpu
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## how many computers do you need
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 ## how many cpus or processors do you need on each computer
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a100:1 ## type of GPU requested, and number of GPU cards to run on
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 ## how long does this need to run (remember different partitions have restrictions on this param)
#SBATCH --mem=85G ## how much RAM do you need per CPU (this effects your FairShare score so be careful to not ask for more than you need))
#SBATCH --job-name=run_AlphaFold ## When you run squeue -u NETID this is how you can identify the job
#SBATCH --output=AlphaFold-GPU.log ## standard out and standard error goes to this file

### PLEASE NOTE:                                                      ###
### The above CPU, Memory, and GPU resources have been selected base  ###
### on the computing resources that alphafold was tested on           ###
### which can be found here:                                          ###
###          ###
### It is likely that you do not have to change anything above        ###
### besides your allocation, and email (if you want to be emailed).   ###

module purge
module load alphafold/2.1.1-only-msas-flag-addition

# To run alphafold more efficiently,
# we split the CPU and GPU parts of the pipeline into two separate submissions.
# Below we provide a way to run the GPU part of alpahfold-multimer and alphafold-monomer
# which will depend on the CPU part finishing before it runs

# real example monomer (takes about 3 hours and 15 minutes)
alphafold-monomer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/T1050.fasta \
  --max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
  --model_preset=monomer \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  --use_precomputed_msas=true \

# real example multimer (takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes)
alphafold-multimer --fasta_paths=/projects/intro/alphafold/6E3K.fasta \
  --max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
  --model_preset=multimer \
  --db_preset=full_dbs \
  --use_precomputed_msas=true \

Finally, we use the following bash script which we will call to submit the CPU job first, and then submit the GPU job as dependent on the CPU job finishing with status OK.

echo "cpu_job ${cpu_job[-1]}" >> slurm_ids
gpu_job=($(sbatch --dependency=afterok:${cpu_job[-1]}
echo "gpu_job ${gpu_job[-1]}" >> slurm_ids



Article ID: 1251
Thu 5/12/22 1:38 PM
Thu 1/23/25 3:33 PM