Modify Salary Placeholders in NUPlans Web


To modify Budget Grouping specific placeholders

Navigation: NUPlans Web > Applications > Salary Placeholders > Modify Salary Placeholder



Existing Salary Placeholders can be modified to change the Description, Placeholder Type, Employee ID, or HR Home Department.  Salary Placeholders cannot be moved from one Budget Grouping to another.

1)      Select the Budget Grouping in which the Salary Placeholder was created.

2)      Select the desired Placeholder from the Salary Placeholder drop-down.

3)      Click the Load Current Values button to retrieve the existing Placeholder configuration.

4)      Make the desired changes and click Verify Status.

a.       When changing HR Home Department, previously entered data for the placeholder will be zeroed out for units who budget compensation by home department. Previous data entry will be unaffected for units who budget compensation by position when HR Home Department is changed.

5)      When the status is Ready to update, click Modify Placeholder to commit the changes.

Potential Issue


Placeholder description is too long. It will be truncated. Ready to update.

Warning only. Occurs when the description exceeds 100 characters.

This placeholder is only viewable by users who can access confidential salary data

Warning only, reminding user that home departments ending in 90 or 96 require confidential salary access role to be seen.

This description has already been used

Occurs if user attempts to change the description to match a salary placeholder with an identical description.

This placeholder is not confidential and can't be updated to be confidential

Occurs when a user attempts to change a placeholder from a home department that does not end in 90 or 96 to one that does.

This placeholder will no longer be confidential and all users will be able to access the placeholder

Occurs when a user changes the home department on a placeholder from a home department ending in 90 or 96 to one that does not.

Error, Placeholder Type is required

Occurs when user attempts to blank out the placeholder type for a salary placeholder in a Budget Grouping that is set to require placeholder types (currently only FSM.)

Error, employee ID is required for XXX placeholder type

Occurs if Employee ID blanked out and the placeholder type is not New or Other for a Budget Grouping that is set to require placeholder types (currently only FSM.)

Error, HR Home Department ID is required for XXX users

Occurs if home department is blanked out for a budget grouping that is set to budget compensation by home department (currently only FSM.)

Please enter an updated description and/or HR home department

Occurs if modification was attempted without making a change.

This placeholder is not in the selected budget grouping and can't be modified

Occurs if user attempts to modify a salary placeholder from another Budget Grouping.

Only placeholders can be modified

Occurs if a user uses the subset selector to choose an employee ID instead of a salary placeholder.

Edit access is required to modify a placeholder

Occurs if a user attempts to modify a salary placeholder in a Budget Grouping for which they have read-only access.






Article ID: 1340
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Wed 1/11/23 11:44 AM