What’s New in NUPlans for 2022 Budgeting


There have been several enhancements to NUPlans for 2022 budgeting:


Upload Budget from a File

  • Option to mass load fund-based budget entries from a (.csv) file
  • Once uploaded, entries can be adjusted in Contributor or replaced with additional uploads
  • Upload of chartstring level salary budgets, non-personnel expense budgets, and revenue budgets
  • Benefits budgets will calculate automatically
  • Auto-balancing (where relevant) will continue to operate as before
  • Existing, active account codes will be added automatically
  • Requires Prep File role


 Navigation: NUPlans Web > Applications > 01. Administrative > Upload Budget from a File


Upload Compensation Input from a File

(For schools and units doing detailed salary budgeting)

  • Option to mass load Comp Input or Compensation by Home Department from a (.csv) file
  • Once uploaded, entries can be adjusted in Contributor or replaced with additional uploads
  • Chartstring level salary budgets / adjustments cannot be loaded this way
  • Requires Prep File role


Navigation: NUPlans Web > Applications > 03. Comp Input Maintenance > Upload Comp Input from a File



Compensation Budgeting by Home Department

(For schools and units doing detailed salary budgeting)

  • For areas that would like to budget salaries by myHR Home department rather than position
  • Requires additional set-up with ESAF and the Budget Office for use
  • Entries from other units that impact your chartstring are made available for your approval

 Navigation: NUPlans Contributor > Your Prep File or Budget Grouping > Comp By Home Dept Tab



Simplified Data Entry Views in Contributor


  • The columns displayed by default in the Contributor data entry tabs have been streamlined to reduce redundant information and focus on data entry
  • The new views are named “- Fund Input - Simple” for most views and “- Fund Input - Endowmen- Simple” for the endowment view
  • You can switch back to the traditional “- Fund Input” and “- Fund Input - Endowment” views via the drop-down box (“subset editor”) found under Columns / Fund Input in each of the Contributor data entry tabs

Navigation: NUPlans Contributor > Your Prep File or Budget Grouping > Any data entry tab





Access to NUPlans Web functionality in Contributor

New NUPlans Web menu on Contributor homepage with links to following pages based on security access:

  • Add Account to String
  • Change Chart String Status
  • Copy Budget input
  • Upload Budget from a File
  • Add Salary Placeholder
  • Modify Salary Placeholder
  • Add Placeholder Data
  • Upload Comp Input from a File

 Navigation: NUPlans Contributor > Your Prep File or Budget Grouping > Contributor Home




Management Budget Report - Pre-Loaded Budget Targets

This Management Budget Report displays NUPlans budget submissions in the University’s Management Budget format.


Once the FY22 management budget targets have been approved and communicated, they will be loaded into the Management Budget Report to facilitate comparison to NUPlans budget entry

 Navigation: NUPlans Web > Applications > 08. Reports > Management Budget Report





  • You can view a different budget grouping by clicking the drop-down arrow in the Select Budget Grouping field in the upper left and selecting from the list that appears.
  • You can also choose to suppress zeros - or not - by clicking in the Select “Yes” to unsuppress zeros field and making a selection.
  • Click Refresh to update the report with any change that you make.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email servicedesk@northwestern.edu.




Article ID: 1342
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Fri 1/13/23 11:13 AM