Subscribing to a Listserv


You can subscribe to a listserv using the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface or by sending an email command.


Northwestern Listserv Web Interface

  1. Log in to the Listserv Web Interface at
    • Note: To log in using an alternate (non-University) email address, you will need to establish a new NU LISTERV password. Each alternate email address will require a unique NU LISTSERV password. 
  2. Locate the list you would like to subscribe to using the alphabetical listings or the search bar.
  3. When you are on that list's List page, click Subscribe or Unsubscribe under Options on the right side.
  4. Ensure the List Name is the correct list, and enter your Name as you would like it to appear on the listserv.
  5. Choose which Subscription Type you prefer, and click Subscribe (LISTNAME)

Email Commands

  1. Log in to the email account you want to use to subscribe.
  2. Compose a new plain text email.
  3. Fill in the email as follows:
    • To:
    • Subject:
    • Body: SUBSCRIBE listname FirstName LastName

  4. Note: The listname is the part before the For example, SUBSCRIBE TEST John Doe would subscribe you to the listserv under the name John Doe.

  5. Send the email.
    • Note: Do not include a signature in the email body. The signature will stop your subscription from going through. The only thing in the body of the email should be the SUBSCRIBE commands. You can also subscribe to multiple listservs by including multiple SUBSCRIBE commands each on a new line of the same email message.


Keywords: distribution list email mail
Created: 2016-06-21 18:00:43
Updated: 2020-06-10 15:40:22



Article ID: 1464
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Sat 1/7/23 3:31 PM