Managing a listserv you own


Listservs have additional commands and functions that are only accessible by Listserv owners. Login functionality is the same for owners as subscribers. If the email account you use to sign into Listserv is your primary Northwestern account, then the password for the account is your NetID password. If the Listserv account uses an alternate email, then the password was set the first time you logged into Listserv.


 Managing listserv owners

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, click List Configuration.
  3. Select the Listserv under Select List drop down.
  4. Click Administrators.
  5. In the Owner= field enter or remove email addresses.
  6. Once all desired owners have been added or removed click Update.

 Managing listserv subscribers

Show Subscribers via Web

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at .
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, Click Subscriber Reports, Select the listserv in the Select List drop down.
  3. You can either view it in a Table Format or CSV, this can be changed by going to the Report Format drop down.

Add Individual Subscribers via Web

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at .
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, click Subscriber Reports, Select the listserv in the Select List drop down.
  3. Enter the Email Address and Name under Add Subscriber:.
  4. Choose the Send Email Notification option if you want the subscriber to be notified that they are being added to the list.
  5. Click Add Subscriber.

Delete Subscribers via Web

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at .
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, click Subscriber Reports, Select the listserv in the Select List drop down.
  3. Select the subscriber that is to be deleted and click Delete Subscribers then click Delete.

Add Multiple Subscribers in Bulk via Web

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at .
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, Click Subscriber Reports then select the Listserv.
  3. Click Bulk Operations (next to Add Subscriber).
  4. Create a text document (.txt) with one address per line with each address following this format: EmailAddress Name (example: John Doe)
  5. Select Add the imported addresses to list.
  6. Click Choose File and navigate to the .txt file that you had created in step 4.
  7. Click Import to add all subscribers on your text document then close the Bulk Operations Tab after the confirmation of the import appears.

Delete Multiple Subscribers in Bulk via Web

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at 
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, Click Subscriber Reports then select the Listserv.
  3. Click Bulk Operations.
  4. Create a text document (.txt) with one address per line with each address following this format: EmailAddress Name (example: John Doe)
  5. Select Remove the imported addresses from from the list.
  6. Click Choose File and navigate to the .txt file that you had created in step 4.
  7. Click Import to remove the subscribers that is in the.txt file. A confirmation will appear (DELETE: XX subscribers removed.) if the operation is successful.

Add Subscribers via Email

  1. Send a plain text email to without any subject line, and do NOT include signatures in the message.
  2. In the body of the email, type ADD LISTNAME email@address Firstname Lastname (For example: ADD EXAMPLE John Doe adds John Doe to the listserv
  3. Send the email.

Delete Subscribers via Email

  1. Send a plain text email to without any subject line, and do NOT include signatures in the message.
  2. In the body of the email, type DELETE [listname] email@address (For example: DELETE EXAMPLE removes from the listserv

 Changing bounceback settings to prevent subscribers from being deleted

  1. Log in to the Northwestern Listserv Web Interface at .
  2. On the left menu bar, click List Management, click List Configuration.
  3. Select the list that you want to configure in the Select List drop down.
  4. Click Error Handling.
  5. Edit the available fields, including the number of days or bounce-back messages before the subscriber is deleted.

 Using email to check how your listserv is configured

  1. Send a plain text email message to with a blank subject line and no email signature.
  2. Enter INFO listname as the body of the message (where listname is the name of your list).





Article ID: 1532
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Wed 12/21/22 6:23 PM