Managing subscribers in NUsites


By adding subscribers to your NUsites site, you can ensure your viewers are notified whenever any content on your site changes.


View site subscribers

  1. Access your site's Dashboard
  2. On the left menu, click Subscriptions.
  3. This will bring you to the Subscribers page, where you can view and edit the list of people subscribed to your site.

Add subscribers

  1. Access your site's Dashboard
  2. On the left menu, hover over Subscriptions, then click Add Subscribers.
  3. You can add subscribers individually by email address, or by uploading a CSV file with names and email addresses.
  • You can add any email address as a subscriber, not just Northwestern emails.
  • To upload subscribers in bulk:
    1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with email addresses only.
    2. Save the file as a Comma separated value or Comma Delimited (CSV) file.
    3. On the Add Subscribers page (see above), use the upload CSV button to upload the file.
    4. Optionally, check Don't send a confirmation email to the subscriber to add them without requiring them to click a confirmation link

Remove subscribers

  1. Access your site's Dashboard
  2. On the left menu, click Subscriptions.
  3. This will bring you to the Subscribers page.
  4. Check the box to the left of all of the subscribers you'd like to remove.
  5. Change the Bulk Actions drop-down to Cancel Subscriptions
  6. The individuals will no longer receive notifications when your content changes.

Changing subscription settings

In the “Settings” tab you can adjust the content of the notification email and set when the email will be sent.
  1. Access your site's Dashboard
  2. On the left menu, hover over Subscriptions, then click Settings.
  3. You then have the option to change:
    • From Name: The name of the sender that your subscribers will see
    • Reply-to email address: The email address that subscribers' responses will be sent to
    • Email Subject: The subject of notification emails sent to your subscribers.
      • If you'd like to include the title of new posts in the subject line, you can type %title% wherever the post title should appear.
    • Send How Often?: Lets you choose how often notification emails are sent.
    • Display A Subscribe Button?: Option to add a subscribe button to the bottom right of your site's pages
    • Get Notifications?: Option to receive emails about subscriptions and unsubscriptions to an email address of your choice
    • Post Types: Option to choose which notifications get sent to your subscribers: changes to Posts, Pages, or both.
  4. After making changes, please click Save Changes.





Article ID: 1596
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Thu 1/12/23 9:59 PM