Whether you're an alum, current student, faculty or staff member, you can self-manage your information on file with the University at any time by updating your Our Northwestern profile. Any changes you make to your record will take 24 hours to update the University’s database of record. Updates to your contact information will apply across the University, including the online alumni directory and your local alumni club chapter.
First, go to Our Northwestern at and log in using your preferred sign in method. Once you're logged in, go to the upper right of the screen, click Menu, then select View Profile. Throughout your profile page you'll see indications your privacy level of your information. When you modify your level, the change will take effect immediately. Click the Hidden/Visible button to toggle your preference on making your information is private or visible in the alumni directory.
Note that the preferred browsers to use with Our Northwestern are Google Chrome and Firefox.
Add or modify your directory photo
- Next to your name, under the purple default profile picture click Upload.
- Choose a photo from your computer and resize it as appropriate.
- Click Save when you're done.
Add or modify your email addresses
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.
- To the right of Personal and Contact Information, click Edit.
- Scroll down to the section titled Email and Web.
- Enter or modify your email address(es), and choose your preferred email address.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Add or modify your phone numbers
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Personal and Contact Information, click Edit.
- Scroll down to the section titled Phone.
- Enter or modify your phone number(s), and choose your preferred phone number.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Add or modify your mailing/street addresses
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Personal and Contact Information, click Edit.
- Scroll down to the section titled Address.
- Enter or modify your mailing/street address(es) as appropriate, and choose your preferred mailing address.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Add or modify your social media info
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Social Profiles, click Edit.
- Enter or modify your social media usernames as appropriate.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, click Save.
Add or modify your Northwestern preferred reunion year info
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Northwestern Education, click Edit.
- From the Preferred Reunion Year dropdown menu, choose the graduation year you'd preferred to attend reunions for.
- When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Add or modify your Additional Education
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Additional Education, click Edit.
- Enter or modify information as appropriate.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, click Save.
Add or modify your Professional Experience
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Professional Experience, click Edit.
- Enter or modify information as appropriate.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, click Save.
Add or modify your Relationships
- In the top right of your screen, click the Edit Profile button.

- To the right of Relationships, click Edit.
- Enter or modify information as appropriate.
- Toggle information to be visible or hidden, as desired.
- When you're done, click Save.