Feinberg - Connecting to a network printer on your macOS computer


How to connect to a network printer on Mac OS either by IP address or by the FSM Print Server

  • Using a printer connected by IP address has the following limitation: Wireless users MUST NOT be on the VPN.
  • Using a printer connected by FSM Print Server: Wireless users MUST be on the VPN.
  • Instructions are based on Mac OS 10.12 Sierra, and may vary with other Mac OS versions.

Connecting by IP Address in Mac OSX:

  1. Obtain the IP address of the printer from the printer's user interface or by printing a network configuration page.
  2. In Mac OS, Apple Menu > System Preferences > Printers & Scanners
  3. Click the "+" icon to add a new printer.
  4. In the "Add" dialog, switch to the IP tab, and populate as follows:
    • Address: Printer's IP Address
    • Protocol: Line Printer Daemon - LPD
    • Queue: [Blank]
    • Name: Friendly Name of Printer
    • Location: Location of Printer
    • Use: If the correct model of the printer is shown here, the OS has the driver installed, and this field can be left as is. If not, the PPD must be downloaded from the printer vendor's website and installed.

      Once complete, click on the "Use:" dropdown, and select "Select Software..." In the Printer Software dialog, select the correct model from the list.
    • Click the "Add" button. Printer will install. You may be prompted to configure options such as paper trays, duplexers, finishers, etc.
  5. Done.

Connecting by FSM Print Server on Mac OSX:

  1. On a Windows computer connected to the wired network or VPN, determine and note the name of the printer:
    • From Windows Explorer, in the location bar, type: \\vfsmprint02.fsm.northwestern.edu
    • Note the exact name of the desired printer from the resulting list
  2. In Mac OS (while connected to Ethernet, or wireless+VPN), Apple Menu > System Preferences > Printers & Scanners
  3. Click the "+" icon to add a new printer.
  4. In the resulting "Add" dialog control-click on the toolbar, and select "Customize Toolbar..."
  5. Drag the "Advanced" icon (gear) to the "Add" dialog's toolbar. Click Done.
  6. Click on the new "Advanced" icon in the "Add" dialog. Wait for it to finish "searching for printers. Populate the fields as follows:
    • Type: Windows printer via spoolss
    • Device: [Leave as is.]
    • URL: smb://vfsmprint01.fsm.northwestern.edu/[printer_name]
    • Name: Friendly name.
    • Location: Printer location.
    • Use: If the correct model of the printer is shown here, the OS has the driver installed, and this field can be left as is. If not, the PPD must be downloaded from the printer vendor's website and installed.

      Once complete, click on the "Use:" dropdown, and select "Select Software..." In the Printer Software dialog, select the correct model from the list."
    • Click the "Add" button. Printer will install. You may be prompted to configure options such as paper trays, duplexers, finishers, etc.
    • Done.




Article ID: 1652
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Wed 1/18/23 1:06 PM