Managing users in NUsites


Once you have a site established, you can add users to act as administrators, contributors, or managers of the site.


User Roles

All users in NUsites are given a single role when being added to a site. This role determines what administrative actions they can perform within the site. A list and summary of the roles available is provided below:
  • Administrator: Administrators can manage themes, settings, plugins, users, and edit any content within the site. This is the highest access level for the site, and should only be granted to trusted users.
  • Editor: Editors can edit and publish any content within the site.
  • Author: Authors can create and publish posts in the site, but they can only edit or delete their own posts.
  • Contributor: Contributors can create posts and edit their own posts, but they cannot publish them, only save them as drafts to be published by higher level users.
  • Subscriber: Subscribers have read-only access to the site. This can be useful when privacy is set to only allow users of the site to view the site.

Adding Users

All user accounts in NUsites are authenticated using NetID, and can only be created by the owner of the NetID. Make sure that the user you are attempting to add to the site has already logged in to create their NUsites account. If they haven’t created an account yet, you will not be able to add them, and must login to NUsites first in order to initiate their account.
  1. Find the Users section of the site Dashboard, and hover over the word Users until a sub-menu appears.
  2. In the Users sub-menu, click the link labeled Add New, and you will be taken to the Add New User form page.
  3. In the Email or Username field, begin typing the email or NetID of the user that you wish to add to the site. This is an autocomplete field, so suggestions for users will begin appearing under the field as you type.
  4. When you see the user you wish to add appear in the list, click on their name to populate the field.
  5. In the Role field, select the role from the dropdown that the user should have in your site.
  6. Beneath the form, click the Add Existing User button to add the user to the site.

Removing Users

In order to view all users that belong to a site, navigate to the Users section of the site dashboard, where you will see a tabular listing of user information. If you hover the mouse over a user row in the table, a list of action links will appear under the name of the user in the left column:
  • Remove: The remove action link will remove a user from the site. This will not cancel their NUsites account, and will only affect their access to the single site.


Keywords: administrator editor author contributor subscriber
Created: 2018-03-14 18:06:04
Updated: 2019-04-02 19:44:58



Article ID: 1689
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Thu 1/12/23 9:52 PM