NUPlans Role Assignment Definitions


Below is a list of definitions for the assigned roles in the system. Please note that each user may have multiple roles.


Budgeting Roles


Access to budget input for fund tabs, salary budgeting by chart string, and driver-based budgeting, viewing the carry forward and allocations tabs, and the ability to add chart strings and/or change chart string status


Access to budget input for fund tabs, salary budgeting by chart string, and driver-based budgeting, and viewing the carry forward and allocations tabs


Access to employee-level salary budgeting in compensation input and related tabs, and access to add a salary placeholder; unable to view confidential employees (those with an HR home department ID ending in 90 or 96)

Salary - Confidential

Access to employee-level salary budgeting in compensation input and related tabs, and access to add a salary placeholder; able to view confidential employees (those with an HR home department ID ending in 90 or 96)


Access to grant expense planning in grants tab, and access to add a grant proposal


Access to review and propose commitments usage


Access to view budget reports in the NUPlans Web application

Create Version 2

Able to create an alternate budget scenario

Create Version 3

Able to create an area-approved budget

Prep File

Includes all other roles except Salary – Confidential; intended for users who have responsibility for submitting the budget for their entire prep file area


Forecasting Roles


Access to chart string forecasting for non-grant funds


Access to create and maintain commitments

Commitments Prep File

Access to create and maintain commitments, including Dean/VP commitments; intended for users with the Prep File role who have responsibility for forecasting an entire prep file area


Access to forecast salaries on user-defined salary placeholders; does not provide access to any employee-level salary data


Access to grant expense forecasting


Access to forecast tuition on user-defined tuition programs


Access to view forecasting reports within NUPlans

Prep File

Includes all other roles; intended for users who have responsibility for submitting the forecast for their entire prep file area


Viewing User Access

  • Users with the Prep File role in NUPlans can view user access for their prep file’s budget groupings by using the User Access view located in the Administrative directory in NUPlans Web, for both Budget Prep and Forecasting.
  • The User Access Instructions web form listed under Applications, provides more information on requesting security changes.



Article ID: 1872
Tue 7/12/22 12:03 PM
Mon 1/30/23 9:03 PM

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