Finding the original Journal ID in NUFinancials


You may need to know the original journal ID in order to create a Correction Journal or Agency Journal. You can follow the method below to find the related original journal ID.

One method is to run the GL008 report (in HTML format) for the chartstring that contains the transaction that was incorrectly posted to the General Ledger.  Then click on the hyperlinked transaction ID of any voucher to see the associated Journal ID.

You can also choose to find the original journal ID using the method described below:


  1. Navigate to > NavBar > Navigator >Accounts Payable > Review Accounts Payable Info > Vouchers > Accounting Entries.
  2. Enter the Voucher ID or Invoice Number in the appropriate field and click Search.
  3. Click Journal tab in the Accounting Information box.
  4. Find the related Journal ID from the Journal ID field. Normally, the Journal ID should start with PV.

Expense Report

  1. Navigate to >NavBar > Navigator > Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Expense Reporting Acctg Entries.
  2. Enter your Report ID and click Search.
  3. Click Journal Information tab in the Expense Report Journal Lines box.
  4. Find the related Journal ID from the Journal ID field. Normally, the Journal ID should start with EV.

Cash Advance

  1. Navigate to >NavBar > Navigator > Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting >  View/Adjust Accounting Entries > Cash Advance Acctg Entries.
  2. Enter your Advance ID and click Search.
  3. Click Journal Information tab in the Cash Advance Journal Lines box.
  4. Find the related Journal ID from the Journal ID field. Normally, the Journal ID should start with EV.



Article ID: 1997
Mon 11/7/22 3:42 PM
Wed 6/21/23 3:41 PM