Searching for Actuals Journals


How do you find journals that you or your colleagues created previously? Use the Actuals Journal Search in NUFinancials. You can see journals created by anyone. You can modify journals that you create.

Navigate to the Actuals Journal Search

In NUFinancials, Navigator > Actuals Journal > Add/Update Actuals Journal > Find an Existing Value



Hot Tip! Avoid clicking Search without first entering criteria.

Hot Tip! You can search for journals in a Deleted status to copy and resubmit in the next accounting period.

Search for a journal with the Journal ID

This search is convenient when you have the Journal ID at hand, whether from an NUFinancials budget inquiry or from a Cognos report, such as the GL008 Revenue and Expense Activity Report.

# Parameter Operator Action
1 Journal ID equal to Enter the Journal ID in the blank provided.
2 Search N/A Click Search. Result: The NUFinancials Journal Search page opens in a new window (shown below).


  • If you enter the exact Journal ID, the search results page will be bypassed and you will be taken directly to the Journal page.
  • If the search found multiple matches, the matches appear on a line under the heading "Search Results."
  • If there is no match, a message states, "No records found for the given search criteria."
  • Click the Journal ID to view the journal. If you are the journal creator, you can continue editing the journal as necessary.


Search for all journals that you created (or all recent journals that you created)

This search is convenient to monitor the progress of all your journals. If you create many journals, you may want to limit the search to recent journals, as explained below.


Search for journals that are incomplete

You can search for journals by Journal Header Status to find incomplete journals and journals with errors. Find definitions of all journal statuses in Appendix A.


Search for journals that are pending approval

Journals with the Workflow Status Pending Approval were submitted to workflow but not yet approved. You may need to remind an approver when a deadline approaches. Those steps are also given.



  • In the list of Search Results, click a Journal ID to view the journal. Result: the Review Journal page opens in a new window (shown below).

  •   Click Pending Approval. Result: the Approval Status page appears (below) with a depiction of the workflow for each chart string.


  • Most chart strings have multiple approvers assigned. If so, the phrase "Multiple Approvers" appears. If only one approver exists, the name is given.
    • Click Multiple Approvers. Result: the names of approvers appear in a popup window (below).
  • The window displays approvers' names, NetIDs, and email addresses. Only one approver is required to take action per step.


Search for journals that were sent back

Journals with the Workflow Status Denied were returned to you by the approver. You should find and open such journals to read the approver's comments for advice and next steps. This is a variation of the Workflow Status search depicted above.



  1. Click a Journal ID to open the journal. Result: the journal opens in a new window and the Journal Search page remains open in the background.
  2. On the journal, click Denied. Result: the Approval Status page opens in a new window.
  3. On the Approval Status page, find the approver's message below the subheading "Comments."
  4. Click the OK button to return to the journal page.
  5. Click Modify, Copy, or Delete as appropriate to continue.

Search for journals by date range

This search is convenient when you want to focus on a period of time. Use the "between" operator in the Journal Date field to define a date range.

Save a frequently used search

  1. After entering criteria, click Save Search Criteria.
  2. Give the search a name, for example, "My 2014 Journals" or "Journals Sent Back."
  3. Click Apply. Result: the saved search is available going forward in NUFinancials. To use it subsequently, navigate to the JournalSearch page in NUFinancials, select the saved search from the drop-down box, and click Search.


Reuse a saved search

If you saved and named a search previously, it is available to you only in the Use Saved Search drop-down box.

  1. In the Use Saved Search drop-down box, select the search by name. Result: the saved criteria populate the fields.
  2. Click Search.


Appendix A: Search Parameter Definitions

The table below provides a description of each search parameter and the parameter values that can be selected from drop-down menus or entered into the parameter boxes.

Parameter Parameter Values: What should I enter in the box or select from the drop-down menu?
Journal ID The system-generated Journal ID number.
Journal Date Click imageto select the date the journal was created.
Fiscal Year Click imageto select the fiscal year in which the journal posted. The Northwestern University fiscal year runs from Sept. to August.
Accounting Period After you have selected a fiscal year, click imageto select an accounting period. Each month is an accounting period (Sept. = 1 Aug. = 12).
Submitter Click imageto select the User ID (the NetID) of the journal creator. The associated name appears in the Description column.
Journal Status

The journal header status is the status of the journal except for the budget check. A journal must have a status of Valid Edits Complete to enter workflow.

Errors on Journal Journal has errors.

Incomplete The journal is saved, but will not be processed unless it is updated. Posted to Ledger The journal has been posted

Unposted the journal entry was unposted from the ledger it was originally posted on. It cannot be reposted. Permission to unpost journals is restricted to Accounting Services.

Valid Edits Complete Journal is successfully edited and ready for submission to workflow Deleted The journal has been deleted. It can be copied and resubmitted.

Edit Required The journal is saved, but will not be processed unless it is updated.

These statuses are not applicable to portal journals. Please ignore.

Posting Error not applicable

Upgrade Journal not applicable

Valid SJE Model not applicable


Budget Status

Error in Budget Check The journal entry failed to pass budget checking. You must correct the error before you can continue processing.

Not Budget Checked The journal has not yet been budget checked. The budget check occurs during the Save and Edit process or the Save and Submit process.

Valid Budget Check The journal has successfully passed the budget check.

Workflow Status

Approved to Post Approved and is queued to post Not Submitted Not submitted to workflow

On Hold The journal has been submitted to workflow and the reviewer selected the Hold option.
The journal will not be posted. Pending Approval Journal submitted to workflow, has not received all approvals

Denied An approver sent the journal back to the journal originator for correction

These statuses are not applicable to portal journals. Please ignore.

Default not applicable
Delete not applicable

Pending Unpost not applicable

Replace not applicable

Security Denied not applicable

Source Click imageto select a source. The source indicates where the journal originated from (a subsystem, central office user, or the Actuals portal).
Actuals portal source codes include: ISJ for Internal Sales Journal, COR for Correction Journal, TFR for Transfer Journal, AGY for Agency Journal, and BAL for Balance Sheet Journal.
Other source codes identify Central Office personnel.

Appendix B: Search Operator Definitions

This table provides a description of each operator. Use operators to limit your search. Operator selection varies by parameter and are only available in Advance Search.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email



Article ID: 2045
Fri 12/2/22 6:38 PM
Wed 2/8/23 11:35 AM