LDAP Name |
Description |
departmentNumber |
The values in this field are the myHR coding numbers for each University unit to which the individual is associated as a source of funding. One value is associated with each appointment record. |
eduPersonAffiliation |
This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause. One or more of: faculty, staff, student, affiliate, garrett, seabury, employee, medschool, organization. |
eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation |
Primary affiliation ("student", "employee", etc.) - reflects the primary affiliation between this identity at the University. This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause. |
employeeNumber |
HR emplid - The myHR employee identification number for this individual. This field is present to allow applications to link between this means of identification to others, such as NetID (uid). |
facsimilieTelephoneNumber |
Fax telephone number. The fax telephone number(s) for the user. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab). |
mobile |
The mobile telephone number for the user. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab). |
nuAllDepartmentTitle |
All job or position titles, regardless of visibility. Entries are unordered. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items. |
nuAllDisplayName |
Display name regardless of privacy settings. This is the preferred name for the individual, regardless of privacy elections. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only. |
nuAllGivenName |
A person's first name, always populated regardless of privacy settings. |
nuAllLegalName |
This field is the person's legal name as provided by myHR |
nuAllProName |
This field is the person's professional name as provided by myHR |
nuAllSn |
A person's surname, always populated regardless of privacy settings |
nuAllStudentCurrentAddress |
The current residence postal address for the student. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format. |
nuAllStudentCurrentPhone |
The local residence telephone number for the student. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. |
nuAllStudentName |
Student preferred name. This field contains the student name and is used to set the nuStudentName field subject to election of FERPA protection (see Unlisted). |
nuAllTitle |
All official position titles, regardless of visibility. Entries are unordered. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items. |
nuBarCode |
The 14-character barcode recorded on the WildCard. |
nuCareer |
A students career, program, group, admit term, program status, enrollment status from CAESAR |
nuCurriculum |
Each value records a current or past affiliation of this student with a school and corresponding graduation year. There is no special ordering of the values. Each value concatenates the school designation with the two character year. For example, "wcas99" or "law02". |
nuLegalGivenName |
This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the given name (givenName) field. |
nuLegalMiddleName |
This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the middle name (middleName) field. |
nuLegalSn |
This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the surname (sn) field. |
nuMiddleName |
Middle name of displayname - This field contains the individual's middle name if it is specifically available from the authoritative source. |
nuNetidStatus |
This is the status for this NetID. This field is set by SNAP as the identity is created, activated, aged, disabled, and removed. The values reflect this process:
inactive - NetID has not been accessed. No password exists.
temppwd - NetID has been activated, but only with a temporary password that awaits replacement by the user.
active - NetID is active and the user has set the password.
expired - NetID is past its expiration date but is still active.
deactivated - the NetID password has been randomized.
archived - the NetID has been deleted and is temporarily held to avoid reassignment.
alumni - the NetID is an alumni forwarding entry.
securityhold - the NetID is locked and the password is randomized. |
nuOtherDepartment |
Manually asserted department name. This field holds a manually asserted department name for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for ou. No error checking is performed on this information.
If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field. |
nuOtherPhone |
Manually asserted office telephone number. This field holds a manually asserted telephone number for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for telephoneNumber.
If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field. |
nuPosition1 |
NU Position 1 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition2 |
NU Position 2 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition3 |
NU Position 3 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition4 |
NU Position 4 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition5 |
NU Position 5 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition6 |
NU Position 6 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition7 |
NU Position 7 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition8 |
NU Position 8 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition9 |
NU Position 9 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuPosition10 |
NU Position 10 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address. |
nuProGivenName |
This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. For employees, it may also be elected through myHR as the value for the given name (givenName). |
nuProSn |
This field is used to construct the Common Name (cn) for better search results. For employees, it may also be elected as the value for the surname (sn). |
nuSchoolAffiliations |
nuSchoolAffiliations - School affiliation - For students and faculty, this field presents the associations and standing for the individual. See the 'Groups' tab. |
nuStudentGivenName |
Student preferred given name. This field is used to construct the givenName and nuGivenNameSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy. |
nuStudentLegalMiddleName |
Student's legal middle name from CAESAR |
nuStudentLegalSn |
Student's legal surname from CAESAR |
nuStudentMiddleName |
Student preferred middle name. This field is used to construct the nuMiddleName and nuMiddleNameSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy. |
nuStudentNumber |
CAESAR emplid - The CAESAR identification number for this individual. This field is present to allow applications to link between this means of identification to others, such as NetID (uid). |
nuStudentSn |
Student preferred surname. This field is used to construct the sn and nuSnSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy. |
ou |
Organization unit(s) or department(s) - List of departments for this individual. One value is present for each visible position. The entries are unordered. An additional entry of "People" or "Organization" is included to allow standard searches qualified by this item. |
postalAddress |
Employee primary mailing address - The office address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format (see Standard Formats tab). The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items. |
uid |
Unique Identifier (Northwestern NetID). - This is the required unique identifier for this person. This identifier is used by most system provisioning logic and is intended to be the global identifier for the individual. |