LDAP Registry Database Record Schema


The LDAP Registry is the central repository for electronic identities and attributes within the Northwestern network. The information below provides an overview of the description of the data elements that are housed in the LDAP Registry and offers a starting point for application authors seeking what attributes are available.

To read more about Web Services visit the API Service Registry.


Web Services -PUBLIC

LDAP Name Description
displayname Display name

This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause.

Each token in the nunickName field constitutes a value of this field. A maximum of ten values are allowed.

givenName First name string of displayname - This field is intended to be the person's given name; however, it is taken from authoritative sources "as is"
mail Preferred e-mail address. This is the e-mail address that is displayed for the user in any directory query result. This field is informational only and is not used for e-mail routing.
nuAllSchoolAffiliations School & role pair(s) For students and faculty, this field presents the complete set of associations and standings for the individual. Privacy settings do not affect this field (they affect nuSchoolAffiliations). See the extended discussion of groups for more details.
nuOtherTitle Manually asserted title. This field holds a manually asserted job title for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for title.

If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field.
nuStudentEmail The email address associated with a student; it may be the same as "mail" or different. Most undergraduates and graduate students have google @u accounts; others have Northwestern Exchange
nuTelephoneNumber2 The second office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuTelephoneNumber3 The third office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
sn Surname of displayname - The person's family name as recorded in authoritative sources.
telephoneNumber Primary office telephone number - The primary office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
title Official position titles. One value is present for each visible position record passed to NU Validate from myHR Entries are unordered. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items.

Web Services -BASIC

Note: Includes previously listed fields within PUBLIC.

LDAP Name Description
departmentNumber The values in this field are the myHR coding numbers for each University unit to which the individual is associated as a source of funding. One value is associated with each appointment record.
eduPersonAffiliation This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause. One or more of: faculty, staff, student, affiliate, garrett, seabury, employee, medschool, organization.
eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation Primary affiliation ("student", "employee", etc.) - reflects the primary affiliation between this identity at the University. This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause.
employeeNumber HR emplid - The myHR employee identification number for this individual. This field is present to allow applications to link between this means of identification to others, such as NetID (uid).
facsimilieTelephoneNumber Fax telephone number. The fax telephone number(s) for the user. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab).
mobile The mobile telephone number for the user. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab).
nuAllDepartmentTitle All job or position titles, regardless of visibility. Entries are unordered. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items.
nuAllDisplayName Display name regardless of privacy settings. This is the preferred name for the individual, regardless of privacy elections. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuAllGivenName A person's first name, always populated regardless of privacy settings.
nuAllLegalName This field is the person's legal name as provided by myHR
nuAllProName This field is the person's professional name as provided by myHR
nuAllSn A person's surname, always populated regardless of privacy settings
nuAllStudentCurrentAddress The current residence postal address for the student. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format.
nuAllStudentCurrentPhone The local residence telephone number for the student. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format.
nuAllStudentName Student preferred name. This field contains the student name and is used to set the nuStudentName field subject to election of FERPA protection (see Unlisted).
nuAllTitle All official position titles, regardless of visibility. Entries are unordered. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items.
nuBarCode The 14-character barcode recorded on the WildCard.
nuCareer A students career, program, group, admit term, program status, enrollment status from CAESAR
nuCurriculum Each value records a current or past affiliation of this student with a school and corresponding graduation year. There is no special ordering of the values. Each value concatenates the school designation with the two character year. For example, "wcas99" or "law02".
nuLegalGivenName This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the given name (givenName) field.
nuLegalMiddleName This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the middle name (middleName) field.
nuLegalSn This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. By default, for employees this is also the value of the surname (sn) field.
nuMiddleName Middle name of displayname - This field contains the individual's middle name if it is specifically available from the authoritative source.
nuNetidStatus This is the status for this NetID. This field is set by SNAP as the identity is created, activated, aged, disabled, and removed. The values reflect this process:

inactive - NetID has not been accessed. No password exists.
temppwd - NetID has been activated, but only with a temporary password that awaits replacement by the user.
active - NetID is active and the user has set the password.
expired - NetID is past its expiration date but is still active.
deactivated - the NetID password has been randomized.
archived - the NetID has been deleted and is temporarily held to avoid reassignment.
alumni - the NetID is an alumni forwarding entry.
securityhold - the NetID is locked and the password is randomized.
nuOtherDepartment Manually asserted department name. This field holds a manually asserted department name for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for ou. No error checking is performed on this information.

If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field.
nuOtherPhone Manually asserted office telephone number. This field holds a manually asserted telephone number for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for telephoneNumber.

If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field.
nuPosition1 NU Position 1 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition2 NU Position 2 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition3 NU Position 3 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition4 NU Position 4 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition5 NU Position 5 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition6 NU Position 6 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition7 NU Position 7 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition8 NU Position 8 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition9 NU Position 9 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuPosition10 NU Position 10 - There are ten separate items, nuPosition1 through nuPosition10, to hold collected position information. For each position, this field contains one value holding all of the position-specific information. This includes formal title, informal title, department affiliation, academic department affiliation and office address.
nuProGivenName This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. For employees, it may also be elected through myHR as the value for the given name (givenName).
nuProSn This field is used to construct the Common Name (cn) for better search results. For employees, it may also be elected as the value for the surname (sn).
nuSchoolAffiliations nuSchoolAffiliations - School affiliation - For students and faculty, this field presents the associations and standing for the individual. See the 'Groups' tab.
nuStudentGivenName Student preferred given name. This field is used to construct the givenName and nuGivenNameSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy.
nuStudentLegalMiddleName Student's legal middle name from CAESAR
nuStudentLegalSn Student's legal surname from CAESAR
nuStudentMiddleName Student preferred middle name. This field is used to construct the nuMiddleName and nuMiddleNameSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy.
nuStudentNumber CAESAR emplid - The CAESAR identification number for this individual. This field is present to allow applications to link between this means of identification to others, such as NetID (uid).
nuStudentSn Student preferred surname. This field is used to construct the sn and nuSnSearch fields. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy.
ou Organization unit(s) or department(s) - List of departments for this individual. One value is present for each visible position. The entries are unordered. An additional entry of "People" or "Organization" is included to allow standard searches qualified by this item.
postalAddress Employee primary mailing address - The office address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format (see Standard Formats tab). The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items.
uid Unique Identifier (Northwestern NetID). - This is the required unique identifier for this person. This identifier is used by most system provisioning logic and is intended to be the global identifier for the individual.

Web Services -EXPANDED

Note: Includes previously listed fields within PUBLIC and BASIC.

LDAP Name Description
jpegPhoto Wildcard Photo
nuStudentPermanentAddress The permanent residence postal address for the student. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format.
nuStudentPermanentPhone The permanent residence telephone number for the student. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format.
sn Surname of displayname - The person's family name as recorded in authoritative sources.

Other LDAP Attributes

cn Common name. This field can be searched when attempting to find a user by name.
DN A Distinguished Name is the fundamentally unique means of identifying an individual record in an LDAP database. It is made make up of the Unique Identifier (uid), the organizational unit (ou) and the domain characteristics (dc). For a person at Northwestern, then comes is expressed as "DN: uid=netid, ou=People, dc=northwestern, dc=edu". A departmental identity would have "ou=Organization".
eduPersonOrgDn DN of Northwestern University. This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause. The value of this field is the Distinguished Name for Northwestern University.
eduPersonPrincipalName This is an "EduPerson" mandated field used for global directory services defined by EduCause. This field is constructed by NU Validate from the NetID (uid) and the string "@northwestern.edu".
homePhone Employee home telephone number - The home residence telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
homePostalAddress The home address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format.
nuAlias Email address unique portion. This is the unique identifier for the person's e-mail address. This field is used to construct the numail values.
nuAllcn All possible common name tokens, regardless of privacy settings. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuAllCurriculum Short/long school name(s) with nuGradYear(s). Each value records a current or past affiliation of this student with a school and corresponding graduation year. There is no special ordering of the values. Each value concatenates the school designation with a two character year. For example, "wcas99" or "law02".
nuAllGivenNameSearch All possible given name tokens, regardless of privacy settings. This field contains all the person's given names. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuAllHomePhone The home residence telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format.
nuAllHomePostalAddress The home address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllMiddleNameSearch All possible middle name tokens, regardless of privacy settings. This field contains all the person's middle names. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuAllMobile The mobile telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllOffCampusAddress An additional off-campus address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format.
nuAllPager The mobile telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllPartner The name of the individual's spouse/partner, as recorded in the myHR database.
nuAllPostalAddress The office address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format. The directory white pages application displays information through the nuPosition data items.
nuAllSnSearch This field contains all of the person's surnames, regardless of privacy settings. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuAllStudentPermanentAddress The permanent residence postal address for the student. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllTelephoneNumber The primary office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllTelephoneNumber2 The primary office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAllTelephoneNumber3 The primary office telephone number for the employee. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuAssertions Holds identity assertions as source and expiration date. There are three assertion types: SES, myHR, and MANUAL. For a given identity, there will be one or more assertions present. This field lists those assertions and their statuses
nuCurriculum Each value records a current or past affiliation of this student with a school and corresponding graduation year. There is no special ordering of the values. Each value concatenates the school designation with the two character year. For example, "wcas99" or "law02".
nuDepartmentalTitle Informal title(s)
nuDOB The individual's birth date. Format is DD-MMM-CCYY. Example: 01-OCT-1955. This field is never displayed. Access to this field is granted on a need-to-know basis only.
nuemailPref Controls if item "mail" is from "numail" or "numailbox".
If the value of this field is "real" then the field mail is set to the contents of numailbox. Otherwise, mail is set to the user's preferred entry from numail.
nuFratOrSorority Fraternity or Sorority Name This is a user-maintained field intended to hold affiliation information. The field is not edited or verified.
nuGivenNameSearch All visible given names - This field contains all the person's visible given names. This field is used by white pages directory applications to search by given name.
nuhours Hours when available. This is a user-maintained field intended to hold work hours or office hours. The field is not edited or verified.
nuIdTag Valid Identifier(s). This is the field searched during authentication to identify the user.
nuLegalName Legal name
numail Valid e-mail address(es) for numailbox. This field contains all valid e-mail addresses for the person based upon the primary e-mail alias combined with all valid domains to create the individual values of this field. For example, a law student would have two values in this field, "alias@northwestern.edu" and "alias@law.northwestern.edu". This field is used exclusively for e-mail routing.
numailbox Delivery host e-mail address. This field contains the Internet hardware-based address of the e-mail service to receive a message found to be addressed to any matched entry in the numail field.
nuMiddleNameSearch All visible middle names - This field contains all the person's visible middle names. This field is used by white pages directory applications to search by middle name
nuNetidService A list of those services provisioned for this NetID by the identity management system. This information is displayed to the user and administrators only through the identity management system administrative interfaces.
nunickName Value string of max. 10 nicknames. In this field, the user may add alternative spellings for the first name and surname to improve matching of white pages directory lookups. See the common name field for how this field is used to support searching.

For example, searches for a person named Robert Smythe could be enhanced by a nickname string of "Bob Smith Smyth".
nuOffCampus Full, no, or partial - view for off-campus. Valid values: "full", "partial", or "none". This field controls how the directory service reacts to queries from computers outside of the University domain. The default information returned within the University is termed the "full" return. Setting this field to "full" will make the same set of information available to queries from outside the University. Setting this field to "none" causes an off-campus query to be handled as if the person does not exist at Northwestern. A value of "partial" in this field results in the return of only those directory items defined in field nuPartialResponseData.
nuOffCampusAddress An additional off-campus address for the employee. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format (see Standard Formats tab)
nuother User choice - free field. This is a general scratchpad area for the user to add information to be returned in a directory query result.
nuOtherName Manually asserted display name. This field holds a manually asserted name for the identity. If no other assertions are currently valid for this identity, then this field is also used for displayname. In that case, the first and last tokens in this field are used to populate the givenName and sn fields respectively.

If another assertion becomes valid for the identity (e.g. HR or CAESAR), then the information from that source overrides use of this field.
nuPartialResponseData List of attributes revealed for partial white pages return. This is an internal field used by the directory service. The data items named in this field are those which are to be returned for this user in response to an off-campus query if the nuOffCampus item is set to "partial".
Range of values:
Students: "displayName mail curriculumOnly"
Faculty: "displayName mail nucommURI"
Staff: "displayName mail telephoneNumber title nucommURI"
nuPartner The name of the individual's spouse/partner, as recorded in the myHR database.
nuPreferAlias Preferred alias. This is the field is the user's preferred alias, including one or more punctuation marks from the list "-" (hyphen), "_" (underscore) or "." (period). This field is used to construct the standard e-mail address field mail.
nuPrivacyRestrictedFields Item(s) elected to be not visible both on-campus and off-campus. This field is populated with a list of individual fields that are blocked from directory lookup returns. The initial contents of this list are set as follows:

For students: nuStudentPermanentAddress // nuStudentPermanentPhone
For faculty and staff: nuStudentCurrentAddress // nuStudentCurrentPhone // nuCurriculum
nuProMiddleName This field is used to construct the Common Name ("cn") for better search results. For employees, it may also be elected in myHR as the value for the middle name (middleName).
nuProName Professional name
nuSchoolAffiliations For students and faculty, this field presents the associations and standing for the individual. (see Groups tab) These are values that are determined automatically based on employment and/or student status.
nuSnapGroups List of NetID group memberships - This field contains the names of all NetID groups to which this identity belongs. See the 'Groups' tab. These are groups that are assigned manually to particular persons.
nuSnSearch All visible surnames - This field contains all of the person's visible surnames. This field is used by white pages directory applications to search by surname.
nuStudentCurrentAddress The current residence postal address for the student. This field is stored in a standard LDAP address format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuStudentCurrentPhone The local residence telephone number for the student. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format. (see Standard Formats tab)
nuStudentName By default, for students this is also the value of the preferred display name (displayname) field. This field is blank if the student has elected FERPA privacy.
nuUnlisted If the value of this field is "yes", then the record in the white pages directory is defined as "unlisted". In this case, the record is never returned in response to a white pages query. The requester will see the same result as if the person were not in the directory at all. Note that this does not affect authentication functions.
nuvisible This field is used to hide entries from white pages lookup, but not FERPA election (see nuUnlisted). This field is used primarily for incoming students, alumni e-mail redirection records. A blank value means the record is visible (the default).
nuwebPage User's Web home page - displayed as a clickable link. If this field is not null, then it is included in the directory web page as a link labeled "web page"
pager Radio pager telephone number The telephone number of the user's radio pager. This field is stored in a standard telephone number format.
uidNumber UNIX UID
userPassword SNAP password one-way SHAA hash. The encrypted NetID password for this identity.





Article ID: 2074
Tue 12/13/22 12:56 PM
Tue 12/13/22 3:38 PM