This Job Aid will walk Requesters through the process of creating a Catalog (iBuyNU) Requisition.
Navigation: Log into NUFinancials > Select Employee Self Service Homepage > Click on the eProcurement (tile)
- Click the Create Requisition Tile.
- Click Web Suppliers to create a Catalog Requisition.
- Note: You may receive an error message stating that: "There is a non-catalog item in the cart. Please clear the cart to proceed further with adding items from Web Suppliers." iBuyNU and non-catalogs items should not be combined on a requisition. The error message is indicating that you have a non-catalog item in the cart that has not been processed as a requisition. To proceed to add items from iBuyNU, either complete the non-catalog requisition or click the cart icon to clear the item(s) from your cart.
- Click iBuyNU under the Web Suppliers section.
- Search for items. There are multiple ways:
- To search by keyword, type a keyword in the Search field and press Enter.
- To search by part number, type a part number in the Search field and press Enter.
- To shop a specific supplier catalog, navigate to Showcase on the right side menu. Then select a supplier.
- Click Add to Cart.
- When you are finished adding items to your iBuyNU shopping cart, click the shopping cart icon
and click View My Cart.
- Optional: Under Summary, Edit Cart Name.
- Click Enter or anywhere out of Summary box to save changes.
- When you have finished finished shopping and reviewing your iBuyNU shopping cart, click Final Cart Review button.
- Click Checkout.

The Cart is transferred to NUFinancials, Checkout step. This is where you enter Ship to Codes, Chart Strings, Budget Check, and Save and Submit the requisition.
- Enter Requisition Name.
- Enter Header Comments if applicable.
- Enter Justification Comments if applicable.
- Click Schedule Details next to your line item for Ship To and Distributions.
- Click the magnifying glass next Ship To.
- Expand the Search Criteria section to search by Ship to Location or Description. Click Search and select the appropriate Ship to Location.
- Note: Only one ship-to code should be used on each catalog requisition. Only the ship-to code on the first requisition line will be sent to the supplier. If multiple ship-to codes are needed across lines, a separate requisition should be created for each shipping location.
- At this time, you can input the Attention To field, if it hasn’t already populated with the correct name.
- Under Distributions, enter chart string fields for a line item.
- Click Chartfield2.
- Enter Fund Code.
- Enter Department Code.
- Enter Account Code.
- Enter Project and Activity Codes as applicable.
- Click Done.
- Click Save. Requisition ID is assigned.
- Click Checkout.
- Click Check Budget.
- The budget check ensures the chart string(s) is valid and has no spending controls against it that would prevent you from submitting the requisition.
- Successful budget checking pre-encumbers or earmarks the funds.
- A pop-up message appears regarding budget checking the transaction. Click Yes.
- Click Checkout.
- Click Submit.
For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email