Deliverables created in CERES as part of SR’s award set-up on the Deliverables page or using the Manage Deliverables activity provide a way to track sponsor and NU requirements for the award, such as deadlines, special reports, and progress reports. SR defines the deliverables in CERES but provides them to the sponsor outside the system.
Manage Deliverables
Note: The attachments contain a job aid for this article.
Deliverables created in CERES as part of SR’s award set-up on the Deliverables page or using the Manage Deliverables activity provide a way to track sponsor and NU requirements for the award, such as deadlines, special reports, and progress reports. SR defines the deliverables in CERES but provides them to the sponsor outside the system.
Edit Deliverables
The assigned Specialist and department personnel with edit rights on the award can add and modify deliverables using the Manage Deliverables activity in the award workspace.
Note: CERES will send reminder emails to responsible parties 90, 60, and 30 days prior to the deliverable due date if the deliverable is outstanding.
Complete Deliverables
When a deliverable is complete, the assigned Specialist, the RA (administrative contact), or anyone designated as an editor on the deliverable’s parent award can mark it as complete.
- Open the desired award from your CERES inbox or the Grants Awards page.
- On the Deliverables tab of the award workspace, click Complete for the deliverable that has been produced. The Edit Deliverable form will open.
- Drag the deliverable documents into the Attach completed document(s) field on the Edit Deliverable form or click Add and choose the file from your local drive.
- Fill out the rest of the Edit Deliverable form and click OK.
On the award workspace Deliverables tab, the deliverable you completed no longer displays a Complete button, and its status has changed to Completed.