Canvas Information for Graduating Students


Canvas information for graduating students


Canvas access will continue after graduation until a student's NetID expires, though access to individual courses may be restricted based on instructor-determined course settings. Remember to download any course materials you may need before the end of the term directly from the course site. This would include any course-specific files which were not uploaded as part of an assignment, i.e. readings, presentations, syllabi, etc. 

There is also an option to download all submitted assignments for every course you were enrolled in. To create a Zip file containing all of your Canvas assignment submissions:

  1. Log in to Canvas.
  2. Click on Account in the Global Navigation menu.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on the Download Submissions button located in the sidebar.
  5. Click on Create Export.
  6. When the export has completed, click the New Export link. 

Once the file has been downloaded, locate the ZIP file on your computer.  To open the file, either double-click to open it (MAC users) or right-click the file and select Extract All (PC Users). Open the expanded folder and view your assignment submissions by course.



Article ID: 2288
Mon 4/17/23 10:22 AM
Mon 4/17/23 11:42 AM