CERES: Notifications Matrix


CERES generates email notifications for the system activities and transitions outlined in the following tables.



CERES generates email notifications for the system activities and transitions outlined in the tables below.


Grants Module Notifications

The table below contains all the email notifications that will be sent to users from CERES Grants.  

The column headers display the following information: 

  • Notification – the name of the notification. 
  • Description – a brief description of the notification purpose and its contents.  
  • Note: these brackets [ ] indicate that CERES will populate a unique data point in that placeholder specific to the agreement.  
  • Trigger – what causes the notification to send. 
  • Recipients – who will receive the notification.  





30/60/90 Day Reminder

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [30/60/90] Day Reminder
  • Link: [Link to Award Workspace]
  • P.I.: [Principal Investigator]
  • Title: [Title of agreement]
  • Body: The Above Award has the following deliverable recorded:

     Name: [Name]

     Due Date: [Date]

     Description: [Description]

Sent as part of a scheduled background operation as applicable.

  • Assigned owner of deliverables
  • Individuals manually added to deliverable

Ancillary Review Notification

(Funding Proposal)

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: Notification of Ancillary Review
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [FP PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Required: [Yes/No]
  • Body: A Funding Proposal has been assigned to you for ancillary review. Click the link above to access and review the submission.

[Insert comments and documents from activity]

Sent when a user or organization is added as an Ancillary Reviewer

  • Selected Ancillary Reviewer(s)

Ancillary Review Notification


Contains the following: 

  • Subject: Notification of Ancillary Review
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [Project ID: linked to project Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Required: [Yes/No]
  • Body: This award has been assigned to you for ancillary review. Use the link above to navigate to the award and submit your review.

[Insert comments and documents from activity]

Sent when a user or organization is added as an Ancillary Reviewer

  • Selected Ancillary Reviewer(s)

Award Mod Request Approved

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award Mod Request Approved
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award mod request Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This award modification request has been approved by the Specialist for further processing. Use the link above to navigate to view the modification request on the Award workspace.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Approve activity is executed on the award mod request workspace.

  • Submitter of the award mod request

Award Mod Request Clarifications Requested

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award Mod Request Clarifications Requested
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award mod request Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: The Specialist has requested clarifications on this award modification request. Use the link above to navigate to the Award Modification Request and submit the requested clarifications.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Request Clarifications activity is executed on the award mod request workspace.

  • Submitter of the award mod request

Award Mod Request Decline

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award Mod Request Approved
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award mod request Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This award modification request has been declined by the Specialist. Use the link above to navigate to view the modification request on the Award workspace.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Decline activity is executed on the award mod request workspace.

  • Submitter of the award mod request

Award Mod Request Withdrawn

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award Mod Request Withdrawn
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award mod request Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This award mod request has been withdrawn. Use the link above to navigate to view the mod request on the Award workspace.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Withdraw activity is executed on the award mod request workspace.

  • Submitter of the award mod request

Award Mod Withdrawn

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award Mod withdrawn
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award mod Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This award mod was withdrawn for the following reasons.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Withdraw activity is executed on an Award Mod.

  • Assigned Specialist
  • Award Approver
  • PI

Award Withdrawn

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Award withdrawn
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Name]
  • Link: [ID: linked to award Workspace]
  • PI: [Award PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This award was withdrawn for the following reasons.

[Insert comments and supporting documents from activity]

Sent when the Withdraw activity is executed on an Award.

  • Assigned Specialist
  • Award Approver
  • PI

COI Integration Failure

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal/Award/Award Mod/Agreement ID]: COI Integration Failure
  • To: NU RIT, NUESAF, Grants Central Office
  • Link: [Project ID: linked to project Workspace]
  • Body: An integration between CERES and eDisclosure was attempted but was unsuccessful for the project listed above.

[Insert message details from activity]

When the COI Integration Failure activity is executed.

Department Requests Changes From PI

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Department Requests Changes From PI
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Names]
  • Link: [Project ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [Funding Proposal PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: Questions or changes have been identified through the review process that requires your attention. Click the link above to review the funding proposal, respond to reviewer questions and make any requested changes.

Contact the reviewer with any questions.

Sent when the department requests changes and the state changes from Department Review to Department Review: Response Pending from PI.

  • Administrative Contact
  • PI

Just in Time Compliance Notification

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal ID] JIT Request
  • To: [Compliance Office Inbox Name]
  • Link: [Funding Proposal ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • Body: A Just In Time request has been made for this Funding Proposal, which has human or animal subjects involved.

When the activity JIT Changes Required activity is executed on a funding proposal that has Yes checked for human or animal subjects on the Compliance Review page.

Other Department Effort Commitment

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [FP ID]: A Submission from [FP Responsible Dept.] is Routing for Approval with Personnel from Your Department Committing Effort
  • Link: [Funding Proposal: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • PI: [Funding Proposal PI] [(PI Employer Name)]
  • Body: The following personnel have committed effort on the funding proposal above:

[Insert names of personnel on the FP and their employer]

Click the link above for more information.

Each time an FP is moved from either Draft or Specialist Review: Pending Changes by PI to Department Review (state transition) and there are personnel listed on the FP (PI and other institutional personnel) whose employer does not match the FP responsible department/ division/ institute.

  • Grants Administrative Editors of the department of the listed personnel that is not the same as the FP Responsible Department/Division/Institute.

PI Certification Required

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal ID]: PI Certification Required
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • PI: [Funding Proposal PI]
  • Body: [Principal Investigator] is named as the PD/PI on an upcoming proposal submission and certification is needed per Federal regulations. To provide PI Certification, click the link above and complete the Certify activity.

Sent when the state transitions from Draft to Department Review

  • Administrative Contact
  • PI

Post Submission Changes Requested

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Post Submission Changes Required
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • PI: [FP PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: The sponsor has requested additional information.

Click the link above to review the additional information request and to provide your response.

Sent when the JIT Changes Required activity on the FP workspace is executed and the state transitions from Pending Sponsor Review to JIT Response Required.

  • Administrative Contact
  • PI

Project with IRB/IACUC Protocol State Change

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal/Award ID]: Project with IRB/IACUC Protocol Has Changed State
  • To: NU RIT
  • Link: [Funding Proposal/Award ID: linked to project Workspace]
  • Current State: [insert state name]
  • IRB Protocol(s): [insert IRB/IACUC protocol ID(s) linked to the project]
  • Body: The project above, which has an IRB/IACUC protocol linked to it, has changed state.

[Insert IRB/IACUC protocol information]

When the Project with IRB/IACUC Protocol State Change activity is executed internally.

Proposal Submitted for Department Review

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Proposal Submitted
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [FP PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: The above proposal has been submitted by [PI Name] for your review. Click the link to review the funding proposal and take any needed actions.

Contact the PI with any questions.

Sent when the FP is submitted for department review and the state transitions from Draft to Department Review.

  • Relevant department reviewer

Reply to Advance Account Request

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal ID]: Advance Account Request Review Complete
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [Funding Proposal ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • Body: Your request has been reviewed, see details by clicking the link above.

Status: [Status from the activity]

Sent when the Reply to Advance Account Request activity on a Funding Proposal project is executed.

  • Assigned Specialist on the FP
  • Person who submitted the request

Request Advance Account

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal ID]: Advance Account Request
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [Funding Proposal ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • Body: An Advance Account has been requested for this Funding Proposal.

[Activity’s comments]

When the Request Advance Account activity on a Funding Proposal is executed.

  • The person who submitted the request
  • The Assigned Specialist on the FP

Send Award Notice

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Award ID] Award Notification
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • From: [Specialist’s First & Last Names who executed the activity]
  • Link: [Award ID: linked to Award Workspace]  
  • Body: Congratulations on your award. Documents required for the administration of this award, including the official award notification, the project account summary, and any additional award guidelines are attached. You may also view your award documents in OnBase, which is accessible through a hyperlink in Huron. Sponsored Research (SR) is available to assist you in interpreting these documents throughout the lifecycle of your award.

Funds must be spent in accordance with the sponsor's guidelines and Northwestern's policies. The principal investigator is obligated to ensure that all of the requirements of the award are met. If you have budget, policy, or guideline questions, SR will be glad to assist you and your local administrator.

[Comments and Supporting Documents Entered in the Activity Form, including PAS Cognos report]

Sent when the Send Award Notice activity on an award is executed.

  • PI 
  • Admin Contact
  • All organization “Grants Administrative Editors” (if new “Notify All Admin Editors” property on department is true)

Send Email

(Funding Proposal)

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: [Email Subject Line Entered in Activity Form]
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]  
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: [Comments and Supporting Documents Entered in the Activity Form]

Sent when the Send Email activity on the FP workspace is executed.

  • Selected Recipients

Send Email


Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Notification from Award
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to Award Mod Workspace]  
  • PI: [PI Name]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This email was sent from [Award ID: Short Title].

[Comments and Supporting Documents Entered in the Activity Form]

Sent when the Send Email activity on the Award workspace is executed.

  • Selected Recipients

Send Email

(Award Mod)

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Notification from Award Mod
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to Award Mod Workspace]  
  • PI: [PI Name]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: This email was sent from [Award Mod ID: Short Title].

[Comments and Supporting Documents Entered in the Activity Form]

Sent when the Send Email activity on the Award Mod workspace is executed.

  • Selected Recipients

Send Grants Status Update

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Proposal Status Update
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [FP PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: A status update has been provided for the above referenced proposal.

Click the link above to review the funding proposal and take any needed actions.

Sent when the Send Grant Status Update activity on the FP workspace is executed. The FP must be in a Pending Sponsor Review state to access the activity.

  • Administrative Contact
  • Assigned Specialist

Specialist Requests Changes

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Specialist Requests Changes
  • To: [User(s) First and Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [Funding Proposal PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: Questions or changes have been identified through the review process that requires your attention. Click the link above to review the funding proposal, respond to reviewer questions and make any requested changes.

Contact the reviewer with any questions.

Sent when the Specialist requests changes and when the state transitions from Specialist Review to Specialist Review: Pending Changes by PI.

  • Administrative Contact
  • PI

Submit Ancillary Review

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Notification of Ancillary Review Completion
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [Funding Proposal ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • Body: Ancillary review has been completed for the funding proposal. Click the link above to access and review the submission details.

[Activity’s comments and supporting documents]

Sent when an ancillary review is submitted.

  • Assigned Specialist

Submit JIT Response

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [ID]: Notification of JIT Completion
  • To: [Recipient’s First & Last Names]
  • Link: [ID: linked to FP Workspace]
  • PI: [FP PI]
  • Title: [Short Title]
  • Body: Additional information has been provided to submit to the sponsor to support this request.  Click the link above to access and review the submission details.

[Activity’s comments and supporting documents]

Sent when the Submit JIT Response activity is executed from the funding proposal workspace when the FP is in the JIT Response Required state.

  • Assigned Specialist

Submitted Funding Proposal Tag Change

Contains the following: 

  • Subject: [Funding Proposal ID]: This Funding Proposal Has Had Tags Updated by [activity executor]
  • Link: [Funding Proposal ID: linked to Funding Proposal Workspace]
  • Body: The tags on the above Funding Proposal have been changed. Click on the link above to view more information on the workspace.

When the Manage Tags activity is executed from the funding proposal workspace when the FP is in the following states: Pending Sponsor Review, Award Notification Received, JIT Response Required, Pending Sponsor Review Award Anticipated, Awaiting Response from Federal Sponsor


Agreements Module Notifications

The table below contains all the email notifications that will be sent to the Northwestern research community from CERES Agreements.

The column headers display the following information:

  • Notification – the name of the notification.
  • Description – a brief description of the notification purpose and its contents.
    • Note: these brackets [] indicate that CERES will populate a unique data point in that placeholder specific to the agreement.
  • Trigger – what causes the notification to send.
  • Recipients – who will receive the notification.





Agreement Activated

Notification sent when an agreement is activated.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] agreement activated
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Activated

The agreement is now active. For additional details, click on the link above.

Sent when the Activate activity is executed.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Agreement Expired

Notification sent when an agreement is past its expiration date.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] has expired
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Owner:  [Owner]
  • Body: Notification of Agreement Expired

This agreement has expired. Click the link above to see the details and create an amendment.

Sent when an agreement is past its expiration date.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Amendment Approved

Notification sent when an amendment to an agreement is approved.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] agreement approved
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Approved

The amendment has been approved. For additional details, click on the link above.

Sent when the Approve activity is executed on an amendment.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Approve Language

Notification sent when the agreement language is approved/finalized.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] language finalized
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Language Approved

The language has been approved for the agreement. For additional details, click on the link above.

Sent when the Approve Language activity is executed.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Assign Owner

Notification sent when an owner is assigned to an agreement.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] owner assigned
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Owner:  [Owner]
  • Body: Notification of Owner Assigned

Sent when the Assign Owner activity is executed.

  • Assigned Owner
  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Contact Owner

Notification sent when the assigned owner of an agreement is contacted.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] requires your attention
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Owner Contacted

[Message entered in Contact Owner activity]

Sent when the Contact Owner activity is executed.

  • Assigned Owner

Edit Correspondence

Notification sent when correspondence logged on an agreement is edited only if the person editing the correspondence selects to notify specific people.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] correspondence edited
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Correspondence Edited

Correspondence has been edited on the agreement for you to review. For additional details, click on the link above.

Sent to selected users when the Edit Correspondence activity is executed or on the reminder date set in the activity. One or more of the people in the Created by, Assigned to, or Related to fields must have the “Notify” checkbox selected for notifications to trigger, otherwise the notifications will not send.

  • Person(s) with the “Notify” checkbox selected under question 2 in the Edit Correspondence activity

Email Agreement

Notification sent when the Email Agreement activity is used to trigger a notification to the person(s) selected in that activity.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] [Subject text from Email Agreement activity form]
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of agreement emailed

[Body text from Email Agreement activity form]

Sent when the Email Agreement activity is executed by Agreements Staff.

  • Person(s) selected in the To, CC, or bcc fields in the Email Agreement activity

Expiration Reminder

Reminder notification sent when the agreement end date is approaching.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] nearing expiration
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Expiration Reminder

Sent automatically once each at 90, 60, and 30 days before the agreement end date.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Log Correspondence

Notification sent when correspondence is logged on an agreement only if the person logging the correspondence selects to notify or remind specific people.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] correspondence logged
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Correspondence Logged

Correspondence has been logged on the agreement for you to review. For additional details, click on the link above.

Sent when the Log Correspondence activity is executed by Agreements Staff or on the reminder date set in the activity. One or more of the people in the Created by, Assigned to, or Related to fields must have the “Notify” checkbox selected for notifications to trigger, otherwise the notifications will not send.

  • Person(s) with the “Notify” checkbox selected under question 2 in the Log Correspondence activity

Request Clarification

Notification sent when clarification is requested on an agreement or amendment.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] clarification was requested
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Requested Clarifications

Clarifications have been requested on this submission. This requires a response from you. For additional details, click on the link above to review and provide clarification.

Sent when the Request Clarifications activity is executed.

  • PI
  • Proxy

Response Time Exceeded

Reminder notification sent when a response is not yet received from the PI or Proxy after clarification is requested on an agreement or amendment.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] is waiting for clarification
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Reminder of Clarifications Requested

Reminder: This agreement is awaiting your response to clarifications requested by the agreements staff or reviewers. Please click on the above link to access the agreement.

If you do not intend to continue the review process for this agreement, please withdraw or discard the agreement.

Sent automatically every 3 days when a response is not received after the Request Clarifications activity is executed.

  • PI
  • Proxy
  • Collaborators

Submit Changes

Notification sent when changes are submitted in response to a request for clarification.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] updated with clarifications
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Body: Notification of Changes Submitted

The PI has responded to your requested clarifications and submitted them for approval. To navigate to the project workspace, click on the link above.

Sent when the Submit Changes activity is executed.

  • Assigned Owner

Manage Ancillary Reviews (Organization)

Notification sent to members of an ancillary review organization (prefixed with Anc Rvw) when the organization is assigned as ancillary reviewer.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] assigned for ancillary review
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Required:  [yes/no - whether review was marked required in Manage Ancillary Reviews activity]
  • Body: Notification of Ancillary Review

An Agreement submission has been assigned to your organization for ancillary review.  Click the link above to access and review the study.

Sent when the Manage Ancillary Reviews activity is executed, and an organization is selected to perform the review.

  • Reviewers defined under the organization selected in the Manage Ancillary Reviews activity

Manage Ancillary Reviews (Person)

Notification sent to individual ancillary reviewers when they are assigned as the person responsible for completing an ancillary review.

Contains the following:

  • Subject: [Agreement ID] assigned for ancillary review
  • Link:  [Link to agreement]
  • P.I.:  [Principal Investigator]
  • Title:  [Title of agreement]
  • Required:  [yes/no - whether review was marked required in Manage Ancillary Reviews activity]
  • Body: Notification of Ancillary Review

An Agreement submission has been assigned to you for ancillary review. Click the link above to access and review the agreement.

Sent when the Manage Ancillary Reviews activity is executed, and an individual person is selected to perform the review.

  • Person(s) selected in the Manage Ancillary Reviews activity




Article ID: 2304
Fri 4/28/23 11:55 AM
Mon 5/1/23 10:41 AM

