Updates to the NUFinancials Homepage

- New Shortcut to Recently Visited Pages
- New Shortcut to Favorites
- Enhanced Global Search – Now you can search by transaction IDs (Requisitions, Expense Reports, Journals, etc.)
- For Expense Reports, users need to be set-up as Proxies to view Expense Reports for other users

- Navigation Menu is now sorted alphabetically by default. If you prefer to change it back to pre-upgrade version, refer to the Resetting the NavBar section of the Configuring the NUFinancials Homepage KB article

- Homepage selection drop-down menu – Select homepage from list

- Page selector arrows – Go to next or previous homepage
- Homepage actions – Personalize or refresh homepage
- Notifications Panel – Optional panel displaying Action and Alerts. To disable, see the Notifications Panel section of the Configuring the NUFinancials Homepage KB article