Self-service is available for the CERES datamart using the Cognos Report tool, which provides a powerful capability to users to build their own reports and to expand on existing reports. Users do not need to write SQL or understand the underlying tables to build the reports.
The Report tool provides drag-and-drop functionality and features such as adding filters, grouping, sorting etc. to create and publish sophisticated reports. The CERES self-service package includes both CERES data and historical data from InfoEd to allow longitudinal reporting.
Getting Access to Self-Service
Access to self-service needs to be requested by filling in the appropriate section in the security form. Select the COGNOS:Self Service “Add” checkbox under CERES Report Access in Section F to request access to the self-service package. After your access has been granted in Cognos, you should be able to see the folder Self Service folder under Grants and Agreements.

Navigate to the Grants and Agreements folder. Follow the steps below:
- Click on the Self Service folder.
- In the Self Service folder, you will see the Grants and Agreements Self Service package.
- Click on the ellipsis (…) and select Create Report.
- You will now be prompted to select a template. Select a template and hit 'OK'. You can select any template from the tiles: the 01 – Northwestern General Template is the preferred template. On the left side, you will now see the self-service query subjects and items.
Here is a GIF that demonstrates the same steps above. Click here or on the GIF below to view the full video.

Report Creation

The left navigation pane displays the self-service query subjects and items. You can expand any of the folders and tables to see the query items.
To build a report, simply start dragging and dropping the desired elements from the navigation pane to the central area.
To preview data as you are building your report, follow this default view:
6. Click on the Page Design option
7. Select Page Preview
Here is a GIF that demonstrates the same steps above. Click here or on the GIF below to view the full video.

Starter Reports
You have the option to use pre-built reports that can be edited and customized to fit your reporting needs by either removing columns or adding additional columns. These starter reports have the same filters and logic found in the following delivered reports.
- GA101 - Proposal Detail
- GA201 - Award Allocation Detail
- GA301 - Agreement Detail
Starter reports can be very useful when you don't need to build a report from scratch but wish to build upon one of the existing starter reports. To modify a starter report, the first step is to save it as a separate report. Follow the steps below to do that.

- Open ‘Team content / Grants and Agreements / Self Service / Starter Reports’ folder.
- Click on the ellipses (…) on the right of the report you want to edit/customize.
- Choose the ‘Edit report’ option. To customize the starter reports, scroll down to the bottom section of this article.
- After making changes, click on the drop-down menu next to the save icon.
- Select the ‘Save As’ menu and in the next screen, choose a location to save the report. When saving you can also select the name for the new report.
Here is a GIF that demonstrates the same steps above. Click here or on the GIF below to view the full video.
How to Customize Starter Reports
Starter reports can be customized to fit your reporting needs by either removing columns or adding additional columns. Here are the steps for adding and deleting columns:
Adding Columns
- Make sure the 'Edit' button is on and then select the Insertable objects icon near the top left under the hamburger menu icon if it is not showing already.
- Expand Grants and Agreements Self Service > CERES Self Service. Select the fields you want to add to the report (multiple fields can be selected by holding down the CTRL key).
- Drag the field(s) to where you want to place them. The vertical black line is where the column(s) will be placed.
- Select Page design and then Page preview to preview the report.
- Remember to save the report by selecting the 'Save' button or the arrow down for the 'Save As' menu (if you have not saved the report to a new location/name).
Here is a GIF that demonstrates the same steps above. Click here or on the GIF below to view the full video.

Removing Columns
- Select the columns you want to delete by CTRL+ clicking the column headers.
- Click on the garbage bin icon in the menu bar to delete the columns.
- Remember to save the report by selecting the 'Save' button or the arrow down for the 'Save As' menu. Choose a location to save the report to.
Here is a GIF that demonstrates the same steps above. Click here or on the GIF below to view the full video.