Given the volume of users and scheduled jobs on Northwestern's Tableau Server, it is vital that those who create extracts and schedule refreshes do so with efficiency in mind. This will allow our entire community to access data as quickly as possible. This article describes several ways to optimize extracts and schedule their refreshes strategically. It includes links to help documentation on Tableau's website.
Best Practices for Creating an Extract
Utilizing an extract instead of a live connection to data can improve performance and take advantage of additional Tableau functionality. Here are a few tips for optimizing extract refresh speed, to be used if your situation allows it. Each of the options below can be selected when creating or by later editing the extract.
- Add filters, so the extract will not be larger than necessary.
- Aggregate the data in the extract, as this reduces the number of rows.
- Instead of refreshing all rows in the extract, choose an incremental refresh, which only adds rows that are new since the previous refresh. You could then schedule a separate, less frequent, full refresh.
- Use the Hide All Unused Fields feature to exclude fields that you hid first in the Data Source page or on the sheet tab.
Best Practices for Scheduling Extract Refreshes
Northwestern’s Tableau Server provides a wide range of options for refreshing data extracts. These refreshes can occur on various cadences, including monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly. To enhance performance, consider selecting a time window between 10 PM and 6 AM, when server traffic is typically lower. If you require a specific schedule option that is not currently available, please reach out to and provide details about the desired schedule.
Remember that you can choose the refresh schedule while publishing your workbook to Tableau Server.
If you encounter extended extract refresh times, try selecting a different time of day. If this adjustment doesn’t resolve the issue, please contact the site administrator(s) Tableau Server Administrators: Information Technology - Northwestern University for your Tableau Server site. They have access to view extract refresh performance and may offer insights into optimal scheduling. Site administrators with questions about extract refresh performance can also email for assistance.
Additionally, it’s beneficial for users who publish to Tableau Server and site administrators to periodically review their published content. Removing any unnecessary workbooks and extract refreshes will reduce server traffic and improve overall performance.
How Site Admins Can Review Extract Refresh Traffic
Site administrators on Northwestern’s Tableau Server have access to a set of dashboards that provide insights into site performance. To access these dashboards, follow these steps:
Start from the site’s main menu.
Click on Site Status in the menu.
A list of dashboards will appear, each offering valuable information.
The two most helpful dashboards for reviewing extract refresh performance are:
Backgrounder Dashboard: This dashboard reveals the times of day when server traffic causes jobs (such as extract refreshes) to wait in queue before execution. Identifying less busy periods can help frustrated users reschedule their refreshes effectively.
Background Tasks for Extracts Dashboard: Use this dashboard to investigate specific extract jobs and identify any that are failing. It provides essential insights. For additional guidance, refer to the following Tableau help articles related to these dashboards:
Remember that using dashboard filters can help you drill down to the most relevant data.