NUFinancials: Creating and Using a CRT Template

This articles shows how to create and use a template for the Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT). Follow these steps to save, name, and reuse a template for increased efficiency and accuracy.


Using Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT) Templates

Who has access?

Departments and units that receive revenue and are established as a Cash Handling Unit with Financial Operations, Depository Services.

Before you begin the CRT

Obtain the chart string(s) to which the revenue will be posted, including:

  • Fund and Department ID (identifying the school, unit, or department)
  • Account (identifying the source of the revenue)
  • Other ChartFields, if applicable, such as Project and Activity IDs, Program, or ChartField1.

Navigate to the Cash Receipt Ticket (CRT)?

  1. Login to NUFinancials:
  2. From the Navigator, click NU Interfaces and Processes > NU Cash Receipt Ticketing.

Step 1: Find the CRT from which you want to create a template

This example shows you how to find a CRT that you previously created and save it as a template. You may also create a CRT and then save it as a template.



  1. Click the Find an Existing Value field.
  2. Enter the NetID of the person who created the CRT.
  3. Click Search.
  4. From the list of results, click the number of the CRT you want to serve as a template. Result: the CRT appears.

Step 2: Save the CRT as a template

You may click Save as Template on any CRT.



  1. Click Save as Template.

Step 3: Name and describe the template




  1. In the Template Name field, give the template a name. The field maximum is 30 characters.
  2. Optional: in the Description field, describe the template further. The field maximum is 30 characters.

Step 4: Navigate to Add a New Value page

The CRT used to create your template appears. The Save as Template button is grey which indicates that the template was created. You may continue at any time to create new CRTs based on the template.



  1. Click the Add button to start the new CRT.

Step 5: Create a new CRT from your template



  1. Click the Add a New Value tab.
  2. In the CRT Type field, select Create from Template.
  3. Click Add.

Step 6: Select your saved template



  1. Click the Search icon to select your template from a list. Result: the Look Up Template Name dialog appears with a complete list of all templates in NUFinancials.
  2. Scroll to your template, or enter search criteria and click Lookup to filter the list. For example:
    1. Enter your NetID in the Entered by field.
    2. Click Lookup. Result: the list displays your template(s) only.
  3. Click the name of the template. Result: the Look Up Template Name dialog disappears and the template you selected is populated in the Template Name field.
  4. Click OK.

Step 7: Complete the new CRT as usual

The new CRT displays the chart strings, accounts, descriptions, and media types that you entered and saved previously. You must provide amounts and Deposit/Ref IDs. You may also add and delete lines as necessary.



Complete and save the CRT as you would normally and commit it for processing.


  • Navigate to the CRT in one of two ways:
    •   From the NUPortal, click Financials and locate the link Dept Deposits / CRT
    •   From the NUFinancials Main Menu, click NU Interfaces and Processes > NU Cash Receipt Ticketing
  • Step 1: Find the CRT you want to create a template from
  • Step 2: Save the CRT as a template
  • Step 3: Name and describe the template
  • Step 4: Navigate back to the CRT creation page
  • Step 5: Create a new CRT from your template
  • Step 6: Select your template
  • Step 7: Complete, save, and commit the new CRT

Related Resources

  • Refer to your revenue budget or to the Office of Budget and Planning website for the revenue account codes that apply.
  • Refer to the Financial Operations, Depository Services, website for deposit processes, policy, and contacts.
  • Obtain all deposit equipment and materials such as deposit tickets and deposit bags from Depository Services.


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email


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Thu 5/12/22 12:38 PM
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