Getting Canvas Support

Tags Canvas

Northwestern has contracted with the Canvas vendor, Instructure, to provide 24/7 support for general questions relating to getting started, how to use Canvas features, and basic troubleshooting assistance. 

For Northwestern NetID-related issues, contact the Northwestern IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or

For all other Canvas issues, contact Canvas Support by Instructure (available 24/7/365) via phone, live chat, or email: 

  o Getting started and basic troubleshooting:

  o​​​​​​​ NetID-related issues:

  o​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Canvas Help Guides 

Other resources for learning and using Canvas are also available from Instructure and Northwestern: 

  • Request a consultation with a learning engineer in Teaching & Learning Technologies to discuss your questions about Canvas.  
  • The NU Canvas Support Chatbot can search for answers to your questions in Instructure's Canvas guides as well as Northwestern's Canvas Learning Center, Zoom Learning Center, and Knowledge Base for links to relevant support documentation. It also provides instructors and staff with an immediate resolution to two types of Canvas requests – creating a prep site so you can prepare materials for a future course and adding storage space to your Canvas course when you are running low. 
  • The Canvas Guides can be searched for answers to general questions about how Canvas operates. 
  • The Canvas Learning Center for instructors includes tutorials and other helpful information to get started building a course. 
  • Canvas workshops are available for instructors to attend to learn basic and more advanced Canvas skills. 

Signing up for the Canvas Minute, an email newsletter that comes out once or twice a month from Teaching & Learning Technologies, also keeps you current on Canvas news.



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Article ID: 1469
Thu 5/12/22 12:39 PM
Tue 12/13/22 11:00 AM

Related Services / Offerings (5)

Northwestern’s learning management system, Canvas, allows Northwestern instructors to deliver course materials, manage grades, and create learning activities and allows students to submit assignments and tests and view grades.
Resources for members of Northwestern University responsible for supporting courses, departments, programs, or schools in Canvas.
Canvas offerings support the management and sharing of class materials (e.g., videos, documents, spreadsheets, etc.) and support student assessments, along with facilitating learning through collaboration.
Work with a learning engineer from Teaching & Learning Technologies to better understand how your learning objectives and assessments connect to and support student learning.
One-on-one consultation sessions are provided for course design and redesign, blended and online learning, active learning techniques, accessibility and inclusivity, and using learning apps within Canvas.​ Request a consultation with Teaching & Learning Technologies to create meaningful and pedagogically sound learning experiences. Programs or departments may also request large-scale program redesign and evaluation services.