When you want to share files with a different team of people, or even give other teams ownership, you can move (or copy) files between OneDrive for work or school and a Microsoft SharePoint site.
Step 1: Select the files or folders that you want to move, and then select Move to.

Step 2: Under Choose a destination, select the location you want to move to. Sites appear under the name of your organization, such as Contoso in this example.

You'll see different locations depending on where you are. For example, if you're on a SharePoint site, you'll see your current library, your OneDrive, and other sites. You might have to select Browse sites to see the site you want.
Step 3: Select the location where you want the items to go, then select Move here to start moving the items.

Note: When you use Move to with documents that have version history, only the latest version is moved. To move earlier versions, you need to restore and move each one.
More information on Sharing content in OneDrive: Share OneDrive files and folders - Microsoft Support
More information on moving files: Move files and folders between OneDrive and SharePoint - Microsoft Support
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