Editing NetID attributes as a NetID administrator in NUValidate


The NetID attributes/fields that you can modify as an administrator vary by the type of NetID and whether you have the school or central administrator role. For SES- and myHR-asserted NetIDs, fields that originate from those systems of authority cannot be modified in NUValidate and must be updated via alternative methods.

To edit NetID attributes, first log in to NUValidate at https://nuvalidate.northwestern.edu and in the upper left corner click Menu icon > Manage Identity > Edit Online Directory Information and search for the NetID you wish to edit. Click Manage for the NetID to be edited. You may want to locate the NetID first by using the advanced search feature in View Identity (see Viewing NetID details and security question answers in NUValidate).


Editing Display Name

  • SES-Asserted (student) NetIDs: The display name for SES-asserted NetIDs must be updated through legal name change in SES or by the student recording a preferred name in SES.
  • myHR-Asserted (employee) NetIDs: The display name for myHR-asserted NetIDs must be updated through a legal name change or by the employee setting a Professional Name in their myHR (http://myhr.northwestern.edu) Personal Details > Online Directory settings. Note: Temporary employees do not appear in the Online Directory, nor can they record a Professional Name in myHR.
  • Affiliate and Organizational NetIDs:
  1. Under Manually-Asserted NetID Information, update the First Name, Middle Name and/or Last Name fields as appropriate to reflect the desired display name.
  2. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.

Editing Email Alias

  • Faculty and staff can update their own email alias in NUValidate (see Changing the email alias on your @northwestern.edu (Exchange) account).
  • NUValidate NetID Administrators must update the alias for temporary employees, students and affiliates who have been issued @northwestern.edu email accounts after verifying the identity/authority of the requesting individual.
  • The last five aliases are retained as deliverable addresses with the current one being the published address.
  1. Under E-mail, change the Alias field to the new alias.
  2. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.

Editing Mailbox Field

As a general rule, you should not need to update this field except under rare circumstance where the field is causing email routing problems. An example would be an employee who becomes a student and activates a student G Suite account. The process of activating the G Suite account overwrites the mailbox field with the employee's student email address causing mail to be sent to their @northwestern.edu address to be routed to their G Suite account.
  • For employee and organizational NetIDs, the Mailbox field should be populated with their Exchange mailbox address in the format of netid@e.northwestern.edu. This field tells the post office server where to route messages sent to the NetID's associated @northwestern.edu email address. 
  • For students, the field should be populated with their student G Suite address unless the student also has an @northwestern.edu account in which case it should be set to their Exchange mailbox address like an employee. 
  • For affiliate NetIDs, the Mailbox will either be blank or be the same as their published email address. 
  1. Under E-mail, change the mailbox field to the desired mailbox or email address.
  2. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.

Editing Published Email Address

The address shown in the Published Email field is the address currently published in Online Directory, and for affiliate NetIDs, the @northwestern.edu Exchange Global Address List.  Changing the field does not update the deliverable address for Exchange email accounts. It can be changed using two different methods:
  • Manually entering a new published email address - used for updating affiliate NetID email addresses:
    1. Select Enter email address manually.
    2. In the Published Email field, enter the new email address.
    3. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
    4. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.

  • Selecting the published address from available options - used for updating employee, student or organizational NetIDs:
    1. Under Select an existing email, select the radio button corresponding to the desired address or select from the drop-down list.
    2. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
    3. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.

Editing NetID sponsors for Affiliate and Organizational NetIDs

All Affiliate and Organizational NetIDs should have at least two sponsors who are University employees (not affiliate or organizational NetIDs). The sponsors receive automated notifications regarding impending NetID and password expiration.
  1. Under Manually-Asserted NetID Information:
    • If you are replacing an existing sponsor, clear the existing sponsor out of the corresponding NetID Sponsor1, NetID Sponsor2 or NetID Sponsor3 and enter the new sponsor's NetID in the field.
    • If adding an additional sponsor, enter the sponsor's NetID if the first available Sponsor field.
  2. Click the Synchronize Attributes box.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Submit.  If you don't see a Submit button, click outside of the field you just changed and the button should appear.


Keywords: modify change correct external email address display name mailbox update alias
Created: 2016-03-23 17:25:46
Updated: 2021-08-05 16:42:51



Article ID: 1371
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Tue 1/24/23 7:45 PM