Errors when sending Bulkmail messages to a Listserv


If you are using Listserv Maestro (Bulkmail) to send a message to a large group, you may be tempted to add a listserv address ( as a recipient. However, this will not work; the Bulkmail message will not be distributed to the listserv subscribers.

Because of the way the Bulkmail system distributes mail, any Bulkmail message sent to a Listserv will bounce back as undeliverable. If you would like to target a listserv's subscribers using Bulkmail, you will need to use the steps at 1431 to obtain a list of subscribers' email addresses.

Please note that you must be a listserv owner to complete the above steps.


Keywords: bounceback, subscribers, maestro, recipient
Created: 2017-08-01 13:35:53
Updated: 2021-04-09 21:45:45



Article ID: 1602
Thu 5/12/22 1:39 PM
Tue 2/14/23 12:43 PM