
OnBase is a document management system with workflow capabilities. It allows users to take paper out of the file cabinet and store it as images on servers where the content can be accessed regardless of the user’s location.


Features and Benefits

OnBase offers a wide range of features to help standardize electronic document management processes. With the ability to create online forms and options to integrate with other enterprise systems, OnBase can facilitate increased productivity and efficiency.

Many units at Northwestern are already using OnBase, some of them for more than 10 years. With a strong, established base of OnBase administrators across the institution, new units looking at OnBase have an abundance of support in getting projects up and running. A campus license agreement greatly reduces the cost and complexity for new units that would like to start using the system.

OnBase solutions already in place include a contract management system, alumni gift and correspondence repository, automated student employee application and hiring process, and an incident report application that can be accessed from mobile devices by Facilities Management workers in the field.


Available to

  • Faculty
  • Staff



Licenses fees are divided among schools/units based on number of licenses consumed.


How to Request Service

Click the "Request Service" button to the right.