Data Visualization Support

Data visualization specialists from Research Computing and Data Services collaborate with researchers to prepare graphics and figures for publication, create interactive graphics, or use data visualization techniques to effectively explore data.  Staff provide multiple levels of support, ranging from advice and consultation to the creation of custom visualizations. 


Features and Benefits

Areas of support include:

  • Assistance creating publication quality graphics in statistical software programs
  • Advice on improving the effectiveness and clarity of data visualizations, tables, and charts
  • Exploration of alternative ways to visualize your data and results
  • Creation of interactive and static data visualizations
  • Development of data visualizations and scientific visualizations for inclusion in publications or press releases


Available to

Northwestern University researchers including:

  • Faculty
  • Graduate students
  • Undergraduate students
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Staff



There is no initial cost for this service. Projects requiring significant staff time may involve a cost to be determined before project work commences.


How to Request Service

Please submit a request through the online consultation request form.



Request a Consultation


Service ID: 95
Fri 7/1/22 3:10 PM
Wed 1/10/24 10:27 AM