Kellogg Linux Cluster

The KLC servers are far more powerful than even top-of-the-line personal workstations. The high amounts of memory, storage, and CPU available there allow you to tackle much bigger computational problems and work with much larger data files than you otherwise would. In addition, because KLC is a shared system, it is well suited for enabling work that is both highly collaborative and easily reproducible.

KLC offers advantages for those who are familiar with Kellogg's high-performance Windows servers. KLC offers the same, vast library of scientific computing software that Northwestern Quest uses. As a Linux-based system, KLC also offers straightforward ways for you to schedule jobs to run at certain times and to script sequences of tasks, both of which can save you effort and help with reproducibility.

Request a Service/Cost/Available to: Information about the Kellogg Linux Cluster and who is eligble for access can be found here.

Support: Please contact Kellogg Research Support at for help with the Kellogg Linux Cluster.