Everything You Need to Know about Using Slurm on Quest

Quest and Kellogg Linux Cluster Downtime, June 8th-14th, 2024.

Quest, including the Quest Analytics Nodes, the Genomics Compute Cluster (GCC), the Kellogg Linux Cluster (KLC), and Quest OnDemand, will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance starting at 7 A.M. on Saturday, June 8, and ending approximately at 5 P.M. on Friday, June 14. During the maintenance window, you will not be able to login to Quest, Quest Analytics Nodes, the GCC, KLC, or Quest OnDemand submit new jobs, run jobs, or access files stored on Quest in any way including Globus. For details on this maintenance, please see the Status of University IT Services page.


This page contains in-depth information on submitting jobs on Quest through Slurm.

The program that schedules jobs and manages resources on Quest is called Slurm. This page is designed to help facilitate a deeper understanding of how Slurm works and to contextualize the things that you can do with Slurm. For those who are brand new to Quest, we recommend visiting our Research Computing How-to Videos page and watching our Introduction to Quest video before proceeding with this documentation. This page covers:

  • A simple Slurm job submission script.
  • The key configuration settings of the Slurm submission script as well as details on additional settings that may be useful to specify.
  • How to monitor and manage your job submissions
  • Special types of job submissions and when they are useful.
  • Diagnosing issues with your job submission.

Table of Contents

The Job Submission Script

Slurm requires users to write a batch submission script to run a batch job. In this section, we present a basic submission script and how a user would then submit a batch job using this script. In the submission script, you specify the resources you need and what commands to run. You submit this script to the scheduler by running the sbatch command on the command line.

Example Submission Script

Submitting Your Batch Job

Slurm Configuration Settings

In this section, we go into details about a number of the Slurm configurations settings. In each subsection, we include;

  • the possible range of values a user can set,
  • how to think about what value to use for a given setting,
  • whether the setting is required, and
  • if a setting is required, what the default is for the setting.


Quest Partitions/Queues

Walltime/Length of the job

Number of Nodes

Number of Cores

Required memory

Standard Output/Error

Job Name

Sending e-mail alerts about your job


All Slurm Configuration Options

Environmental Variables Set by Slurm

SLURM Commands and Job Management

In this section, we discuss how to manage batch jobs after they have been submitted on Quest. This includes how to monitor jobs currently pending or running, how to cancel jobs, and how to check on the status of past jobs.

Table of Common Slurm Commands

The squeue Command

The sacct Command

The seff Command

The checkjob Command

Cancelling Jobs

Holding, Releasing, or Modifying Jobs

Probing Priority

Special Types of Job Submissions

In this section, we provide details and examples of how to use Slurm to run interactive jobs, job arrays, and jobs that depend on each other.

Interactive Job Examples

Submitting an Interactive Job (to run an application without Graphical User Interface - GUI)

To launch an interactive job from the Quest log-in node in order to run an application without a GUI, use either the srun or salloc command. If you use srun to run an interactive job, then SLURM will automatically launch a terminal session on the compute node after it schedules the job and you simply need to wait for this to happen. Due to the behavior of srun, if you lose connection to your interactive session, the interactive job will terminate.

[quser23 ~]$srun -N 1 -n 1 --account=<account> --mem=<memory>G --partition=<partition> --time=<hh:mm:ss> --pty bash -l
srun: job 3201233 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 3201233 has been allocated resources
srun job start: Mon Mar 14 13:25:41 CDT 2022
Job ID: 3201233
Username: <netid>
Queue: <partition>
Account: <account>
The following variables are not
guaranteed to be the same in
prologue and the job run script
PATH (in prologue) : /hpc/usertools:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/opt/ibutils/bin
WORKDIR is: /home/<netid>
[qnode0114 ~]$

If you use salloc instead, it will not automatically launch a terminal session on the compute node. Instead, after it schedules your job/request, it will tell you the name of the compute node at which point you can run ssh qnodeXXXX to directly connect to the compute node. Due to the behavior of salloc, if you lose connection to your interactive session, the interactive job will not terminate.

[quser21 ~]$ salloc -N 1 -n 1 --account=<account> --mem=&ltmemory>G --partition=<partition> --time=<hh:mm:ss>
salloc: Pending job allocation 276305
salloc: job 276305 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 276305 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 276305
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes qnode8029 are ready for job
[quser21 ~]$ ssh qnode8029
Warning: Permanently added 'qnode8029,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[qnode8029 ~]$

Submitting an Interactive Job (to run an application with Graphical User Interface)

To launch an interactive job from the Quest log-in node in order to run an application with a GUI, first you need to connect to Quest using an application with X11 forwarding support. We recommend using the FastX3 client. Once you have connected to Quest with X11 forwarding enabled, you can then use either the srun or salloc command. If you use srun to run an interactive job, then SLURM will automatically launch a terminal session on the compute node after it schedules the job and you simply need to wait for this to happen. Due to the behavior of srun, if you lose connection to your interactive session, the interactive job will terminate.

[quser23 ~]$srun --x11 -N 1 -n 1 --account=<account> --mem=<memory>G --partition=<partition> --time=<hh:mm:ss> --pty bash -l
srun: job 3201233 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 3201233 has been allocated resources
srun job start: Mon Mar 14 13:25:41 CDT 2022
Job ID: 3201233
Username: <netid>
Queue: <partition>
Account: <account>
The following variables are not
guaranteed to be the same in
prologue and the job run script
PATH (in prologue) : /hpc/usertools:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/opt/ibutils/bin
WORKDIR is: /home/<netid>
[qnode0114 ~]$

If you use salloc instead, it will not automatically launch a terminal session on the compute node. Instead, after it schedules your job/request, it will tell you the name of the compute node at which point you can run ssh qnodeXXXX to directly connect to the compute node. Due to the behavior of salloc, if you lose connection to your interactive session, the interactive job will not terminate.

[quser21 ~]$ salloc --x11 -N 1 -n 1 --account=<account> --mem=<XXG> --partition=<partition> --time=<hh:mm:ss>
salloc: Pending job allocation 276305
salloc: job 276305 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 276305 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 276305
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes qnode8029 are ready for job
[quser21 ~]$ ssh -X qnode8029
Warning: Permanently added 'qnode8029,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[qnode8029 ~]$

Job Array

Job arrays can be used to submit multiple jobs at once that use the same application script. This can be useful if you want to run the same script multiple times with different input parameters.

In the example below, the --array option defines the job array, with a specification of the index numbers you want to use (in this case, 0 through 9). The $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID bash environmental variable takes on the value of the job array index for each job (so here, integer values 0 through 9, one value for each job). In this example, the value of $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID is used to select the correct index from the input_args bash array which was constructed by reading in input_args.txt, each row of which is then passed on to a script as command line arguments.

#SBATCH --account=w10001  ## YOUR ACCOUNT pXXXX or bXXXX
#SBATCH --partition=w10001  ### PARTITION (buyin, short, normal, w10001, etc)
#SBATCH --array=0-9 ## number of jobs to run "in parallel" 
#SBATCH --nodes=1 ## how many computers do you need
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 ## how many cpus or processors do you need on each computer
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00 ## how long does this need to run (remember different partitions have restrictions on this param)
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G ## how much RAM do you need per CPU (this affects your FairShare score so be careful to not ask for more than you need))
#SBATCH --job-name="sample_job_\${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}" ## use the task id in the name of the job
#SBATCH --output=sample_job.%A_%a.out ## use the jobid (A) and the specific job index (a) to name your log file
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL ## you can receive e-mail alerts from SLURM when your job begins and when your job finishes (completed, failed, etc)
#SBATCH --mail-user=email@u.northwestern.edu  ## your email

module purge all
module load python-anaconda3
source activate /projects/intro/envs/slurm-py37-test

IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -r -a input_args < input_args.txt

python slurm_test.py --filename ${input_args[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}

where input_args.txt contains the following:


and myscript.py contains the following code:

import argparse
import time

def parse_commandline():
    """Parse the arguments given on the command-line.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
                       help="Name of file",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    return args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_commandline()
    #time.sleep(10) # Sleep for 3 seconds

In this example, myscript.py will receive the values in input.csv as arguments: the first field will be sys.argv[1], the second field will be sys.argv[2], etc.

Note: make sure the number you specify for the --array parameter matches the number of lines in your input file!

Also, note that in this example standard output and error files are printed separately for each element of the job array with the --output and --error options. To avoid each element overwriting these files, tag them with jobID (%A) and elementID (%a) variables (which are automatically assigned by the scheduler) so elements have their own distinct output and error files. An example of this is shown in the jobsubmission.sh presented above.

Submit this script with:

sbatch jobsubmission.sh

The job array will then be submitted to the scheduler with each array element requesting the same resources (such as number of cores, time, memory etc.) as defined in the job submission script.

Dependent Jobs

Dependent jobs are a series of jobs which run or wait to run conditional on the state of another job. For instance, you may submit two jobs and you want the first job to complete successfully before the second job runs. In order to submit this type of workflow, you pass sbatch the jobid of the job that needs to finish before this job starts via the command line argument:


To accomplish this, it is helpful to write all of your sbatch commands in bash script. You will notice that anything you can tell slurm via #SBATCH in the submission script itself, you can also pass to sbatch via the command line. The key here is that the bash variable jid0, jid1, jid2 will contain the jobid that SLURM assigns after you run the sbatch command.

jid0=($(sbatch --time=00:10:00 --account=w10001 --partition=w10001 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=8G --job-name=example --output=job_%A.out example_submit.sh))

echo "jid0 ${jid0[-1]}" >> slurm_ids

jid1=($(sbatch --dependency=afterok:${jid0[-1]} --time=00:10:00 --account=w10001 --partition=w10001 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=8G --job-name=example --output=job_%A.out --export=DEPENDENTJOB=${jid0[-1]} example_submit.sh))

echo "jid1 ${jid1[-1]}" >> slurm_ids

jid2=($(sbatch --dependency=afterok:${jid1[-1]} --time=00:10:00 --account=w10001 --partition=w10001 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem=8G --job-name=example --output=job_%A.out --export=DEPENDENTJOB=${jid1[-1]} example_submit.sh))

echo "jid2 ${jid2[-1]}" >> slurm_ids

In the above, the second job will not start until the first job is finished and the third job will not start until the second one is finished. The actual submission script that is being run is below.

#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL ## you can receive e-mail alerts from SLURM when your job begins and when your job finishes (completed, failed, etc)
#SBATCH --mail-user=email@u.northwestern.edu ## your email

if [[ -z "${DEPENDENTJOB}" ]]; then
    echo "First job in workflow"
    echo "Job started after " $DEPENDENTJOB

module purge all
module load python-anaconda3
source activate /projects/intro/envs/slurm-py37-test

python --version
python myscript.py --job-id $DEPENDENTJOB

where myscript.py contains the following code:

import argparse
import time

def parse_commandline():
    """Parse the arguments given on the command-line.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
                       help="Job number",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    return args

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_commandline()
    time.sleep(3) # Sleep for 3 seconds

In this example, we print the job id that had to finish in order for the dependent job to begin. Therefore, the very first job should print 0 because it did not rely on any job to finish in order to run but the second job should print the jobid of the first job and so on.

bash wrapper_script.sh

This will submit the three jobs in sequence and you should see jobs 2 and 3 pending for reason DEPENDENCY.

Factors Affecting Job Scheduling on Quest

If your job is waiting on the queue, the reason is most probably one of the following:

  • Your job's score is lower compared to others
  • Unavailable/occupied compute resources at that moment.


Backfill Scheduling

Diagnosing Issues with Your Job Submission Script and/or Your Job Itself

Debugging a Job Submission Script Rejected By The Scheduler

Debugging a Job Accepted by the Scheduler

Common reasons for Failed Jobs

This section provides some common reasons for why your job may fail and how to go about fixing it.

Job Exceeded Request Time or Memory

Out of Disk Space

Your job could also fail if you exceed your storage quote in your home or projects directory.

Check how much space you are using in your home directory with



du -h --max-depth=0 ~

Check how much space is used in your projects directory with

checkproject <allocationID>
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Article ID: 1964
Wed 10/5/22 3:49 PM
Wed 5/1/24 9:13 AM

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