Extended SLURM Job and Submission Options

For more detailed information, see Slurm sbatch documentation.

Job Submission Options

Option Slurm (sbatch)
Script directive #SBATCH
Job name --job-name=<name>
-J <name>
Account --account=<account>
-A <account>
Queue --partition=<queue>
Wall time limit --time=<hh:mm:ss>
Node count --nodes=<count>
-N <count>
Core count -n <count>
Process count per node --ntasks-per-node=<count>
Core count (per process) --cpus-per-task=<cores>
Memory limit --mem=<limit> (Memory per node in MB)
Minimum memory per processor --mem-per-cpu=<memory>
Request GPUs --gres=gpu:<count>
Request specific nodes -w, --nodelist=<node>[,node2[,...]]>
-F, --nodefile=<node file>
Job array -a <array indices>
Standard output file --output=<file path> (path must exist)
Standard error file --error=<file path> (path must exist)
Combine stdout/stderr to stdout --output=<combined out and err file path>
Architecture constraint --constraint=<architecture>
-C <architecture>
Copy environment --export=ALL (default)
--export=NONE to not export environment
Copy environment variable --export=<variable[=value][,variable2=value2[,...]]>
Job dependency --dependency=after:jobID[:jobID...]
Request event notification --mail-type=<events>
Note: multiple mail-type requests may be specified in a comma separated list:
Email address --mail-user=<email address>
Defer job until the specified time --begin=<date/time>
Node exclusive job --exclusive

Common Job Commands

Option Slurm (sbatch)
Submit a job sbatch <job script>
Delete a job scancel <job ID>
Job status (all) squeue
Job status (by job) squeue -j <job ID>
Job status (by user) squeue -u <netID>
Job status (detailed) scontrol show job -dd <job ID>
checkjob <job ID>
Show expected start time squeue -j <job ID> --start
Queue list / info scontrol show partition [queue]
Hold a job scontrol hold <job ID>
Release a job scontrol release <job ID>
Start an interactive job salloc <args>
srun --pty <args>
X forwarding srun --pty <args> --x11
Monitor or review a job's resource usage sacct -j <job_num> --format JobID,jobname,NTasks,nodelist,CPUTime,ReqMem,Elapsed
(see sacct for all format options)
View job batch script scontrol write batch_script <jobID> [filename]

Script Variables

Info Slurm Notes
Version Can extract from sbatch --version
Job name $SLURM_JOB_NAME  
Submit directory $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR Slurm jobs starts from the submit directory by default
Node list $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST The Slurm variable has a different format to the PBS one.
To get a list of nodes use:
scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST
Job array index $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID  
Number of nodes allocated $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES
Number of processes $SLURM_NTASKS  
Number of processes per node $SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE  
Requested tasks per node $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE  
Requested CPUs per task $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK  
Scheduling priority $SLURM_PRIO_PROCESS  
Job user $SLURM_JOB_USER  
Hostname $HOSTNAME == $SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST Unless a shell is invoked on an allocated resource, the $HOSTNAME variable is propagated (copied) from the submit machine environment to all allocated nodes.


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