Feinberg: eMerg Curriculum Search (Faculty)

Curriculum Search is a tool within eMerg that enables both broad and granular content searches. Faculty can use it to see where and how concepts are taught in the curriculum. This helps ensure a coordinated approach to instruction across modules, clerkships and phases.


How do I access Curriculum Search? Log into eMerg and select Curriculum Search from the left navigation menu.
How do I begin? Select an academic year. You may also select a phase, module, or clerkship to narrow your search. 
How do I see all resources for a module or clerkship? Choose an academic year, then the module or clerkship from the drop-down menu. Checking “Include Modules/Clerkships” in Search Options will return module/clerkship-level objectives and resources (e.g. learning guides and lecture slides). If unchecked, you will only see session-level resources and objectives. Please note that coordinators update future modules and clerkships in eMerg on a rolling basis.
The module or clerkship-level resources will be listed first; click the “plus” to expand and see resources and objectives. Sessions will be listed next. You can open resources directly from the search results by clicking on the link.
How do I find all resources and/or objectives for a particular concept? Select an academic year, then type in the term in the ‘Search For’ field. You can broaden your search by using the * to replace letters (e.g., obes* will bring up obesity and obese). You can also you the pipe | for either/or searches (e.g., heart|pulmonary will return results with heart OR pulmonary). 
Results will include sessions with the search term in their name, as well as sessions that include the search term in an objective or resource name. The search term will be highlighted in yellow. 
All objectives and resources for the session will be displayed unless you select “Limit results to Search Term.” With that option checked the results will only include the items that have that term.
How do I find something that is in the lecture slides or other resources? You have the option to “Search in File Contents.” Your results will automatically be limited to the search term. You can access the resource directly from the search results by clicking on the link.
Why would I use the other search criteria? AWOME has attached descriptive tags to objectives for modules, clerkships, and sessions which may help you find areas of the curriculum you may be trying to find. Additionally, some resources have element/thread tags.
You can use the Resource Type criteria to narrow your search to a particular kind of resource, such as a learning guide. 
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact fsmhelp@northwestern.edu.


Keywords: curriculum emerg search emergcurrsearch
Created: 2021-03-08 18:23:31
Updated: 2021-03-09 16:40:41

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