The IT Knowledge Base is a library of self-service solutions, how-to guides, and essential information about IT services and systems.

Articles (1090)

Pinned Article Hot-Desking: FAQ

Pinned Article Recovering from CrowdStrike Blue Screen

On July 19, 2024, a global Crowdstrike update was pushed that caused Windows devices to go to blue screen. These instructions can help restore access to your computer.

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3509

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the conference room in the SESP MSLOC offices at 1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3509.

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3516

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the meeting room in the SESP MSLOC offices at 1800 Sherman Ave. Room 3516.

1800 Sherman Ave. Room 7308

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the meeting room in the SESP MSLOC offices at 1800 Sherman Ave. Room 7308.

Abbott Hall Room 1601

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1601.

Abbott Hall Room 1602

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1602.

Abbott Hall Room 1605

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1605.

Abbott Hall Room 1607

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1607.

Abbott Hall Room 1608

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1608.

Abbott Hall Room 1620

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Abbott Hall Room 1620.

Accessing Microsoft Azure OpenAI Services

This document provides background on Northwestern’s guidance around using generative AI services, including data security requirements, and instructions for requesting access to Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service.

Adding a Yubikey, TouchID, or Windows Hello to Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

Adding secondary devices (security key or biometric authentication) to Duo MFA.

Adding an Network or IP printer to your computer

How to add a network or IP based printer for Feinberg.

Adobe Creative Cloud Synced Files - Not able to locate data on your computer

Additional details regarding Adobe Creative Cloud Synced Files being discontinued After Oct. 1, 2024

Advanced Globus Features

An outline of advanced features available for Globus

Annenberg Hall Room 123 - Student Affairs Office

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the conference room in the SESP Student Affairs Office located in Annenberg Hall Room 123.

Back to School Quick Guide

A collection of knowledge base articles for common scenarios users encounter during the Back to School season.

Best Practices: Moving Documents and Folders from OneDrive to SharePoint

This article covers the different options when moving or copying files between SharePoint and OneDrive.

Bookings with me Known Issue(s)

Issue with students access a "Bookings with me" link.

Canvas Admins: Using the Northwestern Password Updater Tool

Steps for Canvas admins to use the Northwestern Password Updater tool to update their admin account password (required annually)

Canvas Information for Graduating Students

Canvas information for graduating students

CERES Send Email

An explanation of the roles of recipient groups in the Send Email form in CERES.

CERES: Agreements Research Community Reference Guide

CERES is Northwestern University’s (NU) Central Electronic Research System. CERES enables NU researchers and administrators to create, review, submit, and track funding proposals, awards, and agreement negotiations that support their sponsored projects. CERES Agreements is a comprehensive, flexible contract management solution that simplifies and streamlines the agreement submission, review, and negotiation process.

CERES: Ancillary Review F&A Waiver

An ancillary review for F&A Waiver is required on a funding proposal or award. Ancillary reviews take place concurrently with the normal review workflows and can be added to funding proposals, awards, award modifications, and agreements.

CERES: Ancillary Review PI Eligibility

An ancillary review for PI Eligibility is required on a funding proposal or award. Ancillary reviews take place concurrently with the normal review workflows and can be added to funding proposals, awards, award modifications, and agreements.

CERES: Ancillary Review Submission

Ancillary reviews are optional reviews that can be included on a per-project basis. Reviewers can be any specific person or organization in CERES. Ancillary reviews take place concurrently with the normal review workflows and can be added to funding proposals, awards, award modifications, and agreements.

CERES: Ancillary Reviews

Ancillary reviews are optional reviews that can be included on a per-project basis. Reviewers can be any specific person or organization in CERES. Ancillary reviews take place concurrently with the normal review workflows and can be added to funding proposals, awards, award modifications, and agreements. In certain circumstances, such as institutional cost sharing, PI eligibility, and requesting an F&A waiver, an ancillary review must be included.

CERES: Award Modification Requests

There are times when it is necessary to make a change to an active award. The RA must submit a request to SR to have a change made to an active award. The request must be made in CERES with an award modification request. CERES offers a wide variety of modification types, such as scope, budget, and personnel effort changes. Award Modification Requests have their own review cycle.

CERES: Complete a Budget

CERES automatically creates a primary sponsor budget. Only users with the Salary Access role can view and edit budgets and budget attachments, export budgets, and see salary information. If your role requires salary access and you do not have the appropriate permissions in CERES, submit a request for access.

CERES: Complete a Cost Share Budget

If a funding proposal’s primary sponsor budget has project effort exceeds salary requested, the budget workspace alerts you to create a cost share budget to show how the additional funds will be provided. Cost share budgets must also accompany funding proposals that have mandatory or voluntary committed cost sharing.

CERES: Complete and Submit an Outgoing Subaward Agreement

Outgoing subcontracts on active awards will require an Outgoing Subaward Agreement. This agreement will be initiated by Sponsored Research (SR), then the Research Administrator (RA) will be notified once the agreement is in their CERES inbox for their completion.

CERES: Create a Continuation Proposal

A continuation is a type of follow-on submission in CERES used primarily for submitting progress reports for review and approval and to request funding of an active award for the upcoming budget year. Typically, it includes a progress report for the closing budget year. RAs will create continuations proposals and submit them to SR for review and approval.

CERES: Create a Subaward Budget

If an external collaborator will be contracted to perform work as part of a larger sponsored project, you can add the subaward funds budgeted for the external collaborator in the funding proposal. A subaward budget is created from and linked to a primary sponsor budget.

CERES: Create and Submit a Clinical Trial Agreement

After the related funding proposal is approved by the necessary parties and reviewed by Sponsored Research (SR), the Research Administrator (RA) can create the Clinical Trial Agreements (CTA).

CERES: Create and Submit a Funding Proposal

This article explains how to create a funding proposal and submit it for internal review in CERES.

CERES: Create and Submit a Non-Funded Agreement

Non-funded agreements may include Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Data Use Agreements (DUA), Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), Collaboration Agreements (CA), a Letter of Indemnification (LOI), or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

CERES: Create and Submit an Amendment

You can create amendments for agreements in the Active, Expired, and Evergreen state.

CERES: Create and Update SF424 Forms

In several funding proposal states, the RA can create or update SF424 application forms for federal system-to-system submitted applications, populating them with data from funding proposals and their budgets.

CERES: Department Reviewer Activities

When a research team completes a funding proposal, they submit it for review. The system sends an email notification to the appropriate reviewer, and the funding proposal appears in their CERES inbox. The proposal initially goes through a department review process. Department reviewers can add reviewer notes on the proposal pages and request clarifications or changes from the PI and RA.

CERES: Faculty Notifications Matrix

CERES generates email notifications for the system activities and transitions outlined in the following tables.

CERES: Grants Research Community Reference Guide

CERES is Northwestern University’s Central Electronic Research System. CERES enables NU researchers and administrators to create, review, submit, and track funding proposals, awards, and agreement negotiations that support their sponsored projects.

CERES: Manage Deliverables

Deliverables created in CERES as part of SR’s award set-up on the Deliverables page or using the Manage Deliverables activity provide a way to track sponsor and NU requirements for the award, such as deadlines, special reports, and progress reports. SR defines the deliverables in CERES but provides them to the sponsor outside the system.

CERES: Notifications Matrix

CERES generates email notifications for the system activities and transitions outlined in the following tables.

CERES: PI Certification on Proposals

When a funding proposal is complete and ready for department review, PIs should review and certify that their proposal is complete and accurate. If PI certification is outstanding when the proposal moves to Department Review, the PI will receive a reminder email to complete the certification. The final step of Department approval cannot take place until the PI has certified their proposal.

CERES: Reconcile Awards Budgets

Sponsored Research (SR) may contact a Research Administrator (RA) to reconcile a budget if an award is significantly cut by the sponsor from the amount proposed, if the award is complex and requires multiple allocations, or if the award has changes to subaward total dollars.

CERES: Request a New Organization

There may be times when initiating a funding proposal or award where the organization you are searching for, whether a sponsor or subcontract entity, does not yet exist in the NU Organizations list. A new organization can be requested when you create or update a funding proposal, subaward, award, or agreement. The steps are similar for all the projects. Submit a request to SR to have the organization added to the list.

CERES: Request an Advance Account

SR approves and establishes advance accounts (previously known as “prespend” accounts) in response to formal requests submitted by faculty and research staff to incur expenditures for necessary project activities prior to receipt of an award. Advance accounts for new awards are established for a period not to exceed 120 days, or the sponsor’s limit, whichever is shorter. RAs can request an advance account to be set up by SR in any funding proposal state from which an award can be created. Advanc

CERES: Respond to a Clarification Request

After review of a funding proposal in CERES, the reviewer may request changes. When they do, the RA receives an email notification with a link to the funding proposal, and the funding proposal appears in their CERES inbox. The proposal team must make the appropriate changes and submit the revised proposal for review again. Changes can be requested during Department Review or Specialist Review.

CERES: Respond to a Just-In-Time (JIT) or Similar Request

When a sponsor requests updated information for a submitted funding proposal, such as the NIH Just-In-Time (JIT), both the RA and SR will perform steps in CERES.

Certification of access privileges in NU Validate

Quick reference for people that need to periodically approve / certify access privileges using NU Validate.

Check Duo Mobile App Version

Check the version of the Duo Mobile App installed on your mobile device

Check Item Status in CERES

Guidance for checking item statuses in CERES

Create a Policy for SharePoint Site Closure and Deletion

How to delete your SharePoint site or create a lifecycle policy for your site.

Determining Number of Document Versions (SharePoint and OneDrive)

Determining Number of Document Versions (SharePoint and OneDrive)

Determining Size of a OneDrive Document or Folder

How to determine the amount of content in a SharePoint folder.

Disconnecting from a Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share

How to disconnect an RDSS/FSMResfiles share from your computer.

Enable Full Disk Access for Crashplan on macOS

Enable Full Disk Access for CrashPlan

Enabling Extended Security Updates for Windows Server 2012

Instructions for applying the Microsoft Extend Support Update (ESU) key.

External Applicant having trouble logging into Northwestern's Careers site (

Answers to common questions from external applicants when logging into Northwestern's Careers site

Feinberg - BioRender Information

Feinberg BioRender Information

Feinberg - Installing Imagej and Fiji without administrative rights

Installing Imagej and Fiji without administrative rights for Feinberg users

Feinberg - Remote Desktop from Mac to a Mac

This article is to connect from your Mac to a Mac on the Chicago campus

Feinberg New User Guide - Click to expand topics

This is a new user guide for onboarding new employees or setting up new machines from Feinberg

File Requests in SharePoint

How to request files in SharePoint.

File Systems, Storage, and Permissions on Quest

Information about storage options and how to manage storage and file permissions on Quest.

FileMaker at SESP

Information regarding FileMaker at SESP.

Finding the full path to your Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share

How to identify the full path of your RDSS/FSMResfiles share to set up access to the RDSS Globus endpoint.

Finding your Feinberg Computer Name

How to find your FSM device name or an identifying serial number to provide Feinberg IT for assistance in service requests.

Fluid Non-Catalog Requisitions in NUFinancials (Training Guide)

The Guide will walk a Requester through the process of creating a Fluid Non-Catalog Requisition.

FSM - Renewing SPSS Commuter License (MAC & WINDOWS)

Renewing SPSS through the commuter licensing server.

Getting Help with LabArchives ELN for Research

This article describes how to get help with LabArchives

Google Cloud Platform - Shared VPC

Information about the Google Cloud Platform shared Virtual Private Cloud network.

Google Cloud: Creating a Project

This page describes the process of creating a Google Cloud billing account and project.

Granting Access to Remote Support Customer Client (Bomgar) on macOS

How to properly grant screen control permissions to the Remote Support Application when connected with IT in a remote session

How to Add and Remove SharePoint Site Collection Administrators

How to edit the site collection administrators for a SharePoint site.

How to locate and open a Law IT / Law Library locker to retrieve or drop off items.

Instructions on locating and using Law IT / Law Library locker system to retrieve or drop off items.

Installing and Managing Software with Anaconda Virtual Environments on Quest

Learn how to install and manage software on Quest using Anaconda Virtual Environments

Limit Sync for a SharePoint Site

Restrict syncing of SharePoint content.

Log In Error - No Access to NUFinancials

Authenticated SSO users who do not have user profiles in NUFinancials will not be able to access the system. This article will be displayed to users who encounter this issue to help them understand what actions can be performed to access NUFinancials.

Mapping your Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share as a network drive

This article describes how to mount your RDSS share as a network drive on your computer.

Microsoft SQL Server License Selection and Purchase Guide

This guide offers an overview of SQL Server license models and factors to help you select the appropriate version and licensing model for your project needs. It also includes step-by-step instructions on purchasing the license from the university's preferred vendor.

My OneDrive Says it's full

What happens if you exceed your OneDrive storage quota?

myHR Learn Course Frozen or Can't See Video

Steps to follow when you are taking an online training or class in myHR Learn and the course is frozen, no video displays or you only hear audio (e.g., Good Clinical Practices course).

Northwestern Print: Adding Value to Cat Cash for Faculty/Staff Personal Printing

Instructions for Faculty and Staff to add funds to their Cat Cash Account to pay for personal printing with Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Alternative Printing Options: Mobile and Web-Based

Instructions for registering mobile devices and sending prints to Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Alternative Printing Options: Web-Based Printing

Use ​​a web browser to upload documents to print.

Northwestern Print: Authentication Options

Authentication options for Print Release including: NetID and Password, WildCard Tap, and QR code release

Northwestern Print: Configuring and Printing from a Mobile Device

Configuration and printing help for mobile devices.

Northwestern Print: Device Functions- Copy Function

Using the cop function on Ricoh MFD devices.

Northwestern Print: Faculty and Staff Only Affiliation: Print from a Personal or Unmanaged Device

Help for Faculty and Staff to print from a personal or unmanaged device.

Northwestern Print: Faculty and Staff Personal Printing

Faculty and staff personal printing in Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Faculty and Staff Printing Costs

This article walks you through the how print costs are reconciled at the university, how to identify printers that are restricted to faculty and staff only, how to identify the new Northwestern Print queues, how to access copiers using non-managed university or personal computers, and how to pay for faculty and staff personal printing through Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Faculty and Staff Printing Costs

Northwestern Print information for Faculty and Staff.

Northwestern Print: Hardware Support for Ricoh MFDs (Multi-Functional Devices) and Printers

How to request support for break/fix, maintenance, paper jams, poor print quality, and print release.

Northwestern Print: How to Send a Fax

Instructions for sending a fax.

Northwestern Print: How to upload a file to Northwestern Print using a web browser

Instructions for uploading a file to Northwestern Print by using a web browser.

Northwestern Print: Installing Mobility Print on Faculty and Staff Computers

Instructions for Faculty and Staff to install Print queues for Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Installing Mobility Print on Student Personal Devices

This article walks you through the process of installing Mobility Print on your non-university devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, or Chromebooks. You will be ale to use secure network print services on iOS, Windows, macOS, Android, and Chrome.

Northwestern Print: Installing Print Drivers for MacOS

Install and use Northwestern Print on MacOS

Northwestern Print: Login, Print Release, Scan Poster

Poster highlighting steps to log in, print, and scan from a Ricoh MFD

Northwestern Print: Login, Print Release, Scan, Fax Poster

Poster highlighting steps to log in, print, scan, and fax from a Ricoh MFD

Northwestern Print: Manually Installing Print Drivers on Windows and Mac

This article walks you through obtaining the Northwestern Print queues when your local IT support pushes them to your computer via the automated Print Deploy system.

Northwestern Print: Overview

Overview of Northwetsren Print.

Northwestern Print: Print and Release for Linux Devices

Use ​​a web browser to upload documents to print on a Linux device.

Northwestern Print: Print and Release for Windows Devices

Setting up Northwestern Print on a Windows Device.

Northwestern Print: Print Standards

The Print Standard provides guidance to Northwestern University schools and departments on key components of this service and how print services are provided across campus. The standards define all aspects of Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Printer Labels of Device Features and Available To

Labels for IT and Department Administrators to adhere to MFDs

Northwestern Print: Printing Services Support for Faculty and Staff

Details on how Northwestern Faculty and staff get support for all aspects of Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Recommended Paper Lists for Ricoh MFDs

Recommended paper for the Ricoh MFD in your area.

Northwestern Print: Reprinting a Failed Student Print Job

Requesting a failed print job in Northwestern Print be reprinterd for free.

Northwestern Print: Requesting a Refund for Student Printing

How to request a refund for a failed print job from Northwestern Print

Northwestern Print: Ricoh MFD Cleaning Best Practices

How to clean your Ricoh MFD Screens and Operation panels

Northwestern Print: Scan to Email

Overview of how to scan a document to be sent as an attachment to your Northwestern email.

Northwestern Print: Scan-to-USB

Instruction for scanning to a USB device from Northwetsren Print

Northwestern Print: Staff and Student Affiliation: Choosing the Correct Print Queue

For Staff who are also Students, this article guides you on how to choose the correct print queue based on your departmental vs academic needs.

Northwestern Print: Student Employee Printing Using a Shared Account

Printing instructions for student employees using shared Org accounts at their job.

Northwestern Print: Student Printing on a Personal Device

Options for students to print by uploading a document to a web portal or from a Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android device.

Northwestern Print: Support Responsibilities

Support responsibilities for Northwestern Print.

Northwestern Print: Web Portal

Using the Northwestern Print Webportal to upload documents to a print queue.

Northwestern site-wide settings for LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) for Research

This article describes the site-wide settings for LabArchives ELN for research at Northwestern.

NUFinancials Known Issues

Known issues with University's financial system, NUFinancials.

Options for Duo Multi-Factor Authentication

Options for using Duo multi-factor authentication at Northwestern

Purchasing Recommended YubiKeys

Yubico offers a range of YubiKeys that work with Northwestern's DUO multifactor authentication (MFA) system. These small devices provide an extra layer of security and can be purchased by individual users. This article covers Northwestern IT's recommended list of YubiKeys, how to choose which may be best for you, and considerations.

Quest OnDemand User Guide

This guide will help users who are new to using the Open OnDemand service to run jobs and applications on Quest, Northwestern's High-Performance Computing cluster.

Quest: RHEL8 Pilot Environment

Provides instructions on how to run your jobs on Quest nodes that are running the new RHEL8 operating system ahead of the Quest OS upgrade in March 2025.

Quick Guide for Faculty: Compliance with NIH's Adoption of Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support

Faculty applying for NIH funding must comply with updated policies by May 2025, which require using SciENcv for digitally certified Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support forms, linking their ORCID iD to their eRA Commons profile, and including their ORCID iD in SciENcv’s Persistent Identifier section. Delegating access to Research Administrators and ensuring accurate data in ORCID can streamline grant management and ensure compliance.

Quick Guide for Faculty: Setting Up and Managing Your ORCID Profile

This guide helps faculty sign up for or connect their ORCID iD to their Northwestern NetID, add relevant information to their profile, and adjust visibility settings. It also includes instructions for granting delegate (trusted individual) access to streamline profile management and ensure compliance with research requirements.

Quick Guide for Research Administrators: Compliance with NIH's Adoption of Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support

Faculty applying for NIH funding must comply with updated policies by May 2025, which require using SciENcv for digitally certified Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support forms, linking their ORCID iD to their eRA Commons profile, and including their ORCID iD in SciENcv’s Persistent Identifier section. Delegating access to Research Administrators and ensuring accurate data in ORCID can streamline grant management and ensure compliance.

Quick Guide for Support Staff: Managing an ORCID Profile

Support staff can assist faculty by acting as trusted individuals (delegates) in ORCID to manage profiles, including adding works, funding, and affiliations, as well as using tools like the Search and Link Wizard for seamless data integration.

Re-indexing Incomplete or Missing Search Results in Apple Mail on macOS and iOS

This article hosts a set of quick-fixes for resolving incomplete and missing search results in Apple Mail applications for iOS and macOS.

Report on file and folder sharing in OneDrive or SharePoint

This article shows how to find out who has access to your OneDrive or SharePoint site. This can help you to clean up any miscellaneous access to your OneDrive or SharePoint site.

Requesting and approving NetID administrator privileges

This article describes how employees can use NU Validate to request NetID administrator privileges, and how the designated Certifiers in each school or department can approve or reject those requests.

Research Computing How-to Videos

Northwestern IT Research Computing and Data Services offers the following how-to videos to assist researchers.

Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) Troubleshooting Guide

Solutions to common issues for connecting to RDSS

Restoring a previous version of a file or folder stored on the Research Data Storage Service (RDSS)

How to retrieve an older version of a file or folder stored on RDSS. (Windows only)

RHEL7 ELS Migration

RHEL7 ELS Migration

Running VS Code (Server) on a Quest Compute Node

Learn how your can run VS Code (Server) on a Quest Compute Node

SESP - Annenberg G02 – Kothari Learning Studio

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg Hall Room G02.

SESP - Annenberg 101

Information about SESP - Annenberg 101.

SESP - Annenberg 317

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg Hall Room 317.

SESP - Annenberg 345

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg Hall Room 345.

SESP - Annenberg G08

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg G08.

SESP - Annenberg G08

Information about SESP - Annenberg G08

SESP - Annenberg G22

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg G22.

SESP - Annenberg G27

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg G27.

SESP Administrative Technology

Information regarding administrative technology resources available to SESP community members.

SESP Annenberg 303 – Baldwin Learning Studio

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP learning space Annenberg Hall Room 303.

SESP Annenberg Hall 3rd Floor Commons

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP common room / event space on the 3rd floor of Annenberg Hall.

SESP Annenberg Hall Room 138 - CYCLE Studio

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the conference room in the SESP CYCLE Studio located in Annenberg Hall Room 138.

SESP Annenberg Hall Room 142 - CYCLE Studio

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the meeting room in the SESP CYCLE Studio located in Annenberg Hall Room 142.

SESP Annenberg Hall Room 201

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP conference room in the Annenberg Hall Room 201.

SESP Annenberg Hall Room 301

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP quiet study space located in Annenberg Hall Room 301.

SESP Annenberg Hall Room 347

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the SESP meeting room located in Annenberg Hall Room 347.

SESP Colfax St. Room 140 - OCEP

This article documents an overview of features, technologies, and reservations for the conference room located in the SESP Office of Community Education Partnerships located on the first floor of 640 Colfax St., Evanston.

SESP Data Steward Responsibilities Overview

Overview of responsibilities and resources for SESP Data Stewards

SESP Data Storage

This page provides information regarding research and other software related resources available to SESP community members.

Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication for a Northwestern Canvas Admin Account

How to use MFA through Duo to access the Northwestern Canvas Admin.

Setting up Remote Desktop on your macOS computer

Setting up Remote Desktop on your macOS computer

SharePoint Retention Policy

SharePoint retention policy.


Information regarding SESP maintained learning spaces.

Summary of Changes After Quest March Downtime 2025

This article summarizes the key changes to how Quest users access and experience Quest after the March 2025 downtime.


Overview of how to get technology support at SESP

Technology Device Lifecycle

Technology Device Lifecycle

Transferring files using Globus

How to initiate file transfers using the Globus data transfer tool

Uninstall and Reinstall GlobalProtect for Windows

Uninstall and Reinstall GlobalProtect for Windows

Updating your photo in Outlook, Teams, and other Microsoft applications

This article provides instructions for how to change the photo in displayed in your Microsoft application profile.

Use NetID Authentication with AWS

Northwestern AWS accounts should be accessed via a federated, NetID-based, and MFA-protected IAM role. Use the AWS IAM Identity Center for authentication and configure the AWS CLI with `aws configure sso` to log in with your NetID and Duo MFA. Manage access to roles through Azure Entra ID groups using the Cayosoft tool.

Using Globus Timer

How to use the Globus timer feature to automate and schedule data transfers

Using Globus with Amazon S3 storage

How to use Globus to transfer data to/from Amazon S3 storage

Using Northwestern University's Dryad Membership

How to share data using Northwestern's Dryad membership

Using RStudio Server on a Quest compute node

This article demonstrates how a user can run RStudio Server on a Quest compute node through a Slurm interactive or batch job.

Using Selenium with Python on Quest

A brief example of how to use Selenium with Python on Quest

Using the OneDrive/SharePoint Globus Endpoint

How to transfer data to/from OneDrive and SharePoint using Globus

Using VASP on Quest

This page provides information on requesting access to use VASP on Quest, running VASP on Quest, and building your own copy of VASP on Quest.

What’s New in NUPlans for FY 2024 Budgeting

Enhancements to NUPlans for FY 2024 budgeting

What's New in NUPlans for FY 2025 Budgeting

What's New in NUPlans for FY 2025 Budgeting

Wildcat Finder

Wildcat Finder is a proprietary web application that provides multiple search options to identify individuals affiliated with the University in various capacities, including faculty, staff, students, contractors, and affiliates. Service is available to IT staff only.

Using the Quest Globus endpoint

How to set up and use the Quest Globus endpoint

Using the RDSS Globus Endpoint

How to transfer data between RDSS/FSMResfiles and Quest using Globus

Globus Endpoints and Collections

A description of Globus endpoints and collections available at Northwestern

Connecting to a Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) share

How to connect to your Research Data Storage Service/FSMResfiles share on your computer.

Managing access to Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) Shares

How to grant and remove access to your RDSS share.

Using the Globus Data Transfer Tool

Overview of how to use Globus with links to how to articles.