Zoom - trouble signing in from overseas

Access to use the US version of Zoom is necessary to start and join Zoom sessions for Northwestern. If you are overseas and have errors connecting to Zoom sessions, you may need to download and install the US version or the Zoom meeting/webinar owner has excluded specific non-US locations from joining the session.

Install the US version of Zoom

  1. Uninstall your current Zoom version
  2. Sign-in to Global Protect, Northwestern's VPN
  3. Go to zoom.us/downloads to download and install the US version
  4. Login to northwestern.zoom.us and NOT northwestern.zoom.cn or .com

Non-US Locations

If that does not resolve your issue, please contact the meeting host and ask if they've restricted access from your location. Using VPN can resolve this issue, however the added encryption with VPN can make your connection slower and have packet loss, which negatively affects your Zoom experience. This might be the only way to join.


Keywords: overseas, international, china, zoom.cn
Created: 2021-03-15 14:59:32
Updated: 2021-03-16 18:05:32

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