Cancel a Receipt for a Changed or Rolled Purchase Order in NUFinancials

This document will provide the steps you should take to cancel receipts for purchase orders requesting to be changed or identified to be rolled to a new fiscal year. Depending on the scenario, you may need to cancel an individual receipt line or the entire receipt prior to a PO change. (You can cancel individual receipt lines using Add/Update Receipts. Manage Requisitions cancels the entire receipt.)

Note: A receipt can only be canceled if matching has not taken place. If a purchase order or purchase order line has been fully matched, you will not be able to cancel the receipt because payment has been made to the supplier. 

Navigation: NUFinancials, the Navigator > Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipt


  1. Select Find an Existing Value


  1. Using the PO Number field, enter the PO number for the receipt you need to cancel, beginning with PUR.
  2. Click Search.

          If you searched using a complete PO number, a new page containing the receipt appears. If you obtain multiple search results; however, click the Receipt Number to navigate to the receipt you need to cancel.

Cancel receipt or receipt lines


  1. Click X to cancel:
    • Option 1: To cancel entire receipt, click the uppermost X next to Receipt Status.
    • Option 2: To cancel an individual line item within a receipt, click the X to right of the receipt line.
  2. Click Yes to the message
  3. Click (The Receipt Status changes to Canceled if the entire receipt was canceled, or Fully Received if any lines remain received. The status applies to the receipt, not the purchase order.)


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email


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