Enter a Receipt for Changed or Rolled Purchase Order in NUFinancials

This Aid walks a User through the process of entering Receipts for changed or rolled Purchase Orders.

You can only enter or create receipts for changed or rolled purchase orders using Add/Update Receipts:

  • Changed POs or change orders are purchase orders that were changed through the Purchase Order Change.
  • Rolled POs are purchase orders that were moved to the next fiscal year in order to remain open.

If a receipt has previously been entered through My Requisitions for a purchase order that has been changed or rolled, new receipts have to be entered by using Add/Update Receipts.

Navigation: NUFinancials, in the Navigator > Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts


Add Receipt

  1. Select Add a New Value
  • The Business Unit is always NWUNV.
  • Receipt Number is NEXT.
  • PO Receipt box should be should be checked. 
  1. Click Add.



  1. Enter the PUR number of the purchase order in the ID:
  2. Remove the default date from Start Date field.
  3. Click (Search results will display.)
  4. Click the checkboxes of the PO lines you need to receive, or, to select all lines simultaneously, click the Select All link.
  5. Click OK.


Create receipt based on quantity

For standard purchase orders based on quantity:

  1. In Receipt Qty, confirm or enter the actual quantity of the line item.
  2. Click Save. (Receipt ID is assigned and Receipt Status created.)


Create receipt based on dollar amount

For special requisition/purchase orders based on amount:

For special purchase orders including blankets, grant sub-contracts, and receive by dollar amount requisitions:

  1. In Receipt Price, confirm or enter the invoiced dollar amount.
  2. Click Save.


(Receipt ID will be assigned and Receipt Status is created.)


For additional assistance please contact the IT Support Center at 847-491-4357 (1-HELP) or email servicedesk@northwestern.edu.


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